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Basic Income Advocacy Travel Fund

Don protégé
Hi! My name is Scott Santens, and I'm a writer and international basic income advocate/activist based in New Orleans. You can find most of my work on my blog, Huffington Post, and Medium. I believe you and everyone else should receive sufficient income without conditions as a new starting point above the poverty level. That's basic income.

I presently have a basic income of $1,000 per month via Patreon which is enough to cover my basic monthly bills, but it is not enough to cover airfare, hotel, and various other travel-related expenses involved in trips to events like the annual North American Basic Income Congress or the Biannual Basic Income Earth Network Congress for example. I can't be a part of these kinds of events or report on them if I can't afford to make it to them.

I've created this GoFundMe specifically to create a travel fund that will better enable me to make it to such basic income-related events wherever in the world they may be.

Thanks so much for anything you can donate to this crowdfund to help make it possible for me to travel more in advocacy of unconditional basic income!
Je contribue


  • Jennifer Marino
    • $25
    • 5 yrs
Je contribue


Scott Santens
New Orleans, LA

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