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Reva's Recovery

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  Reva works as a Pediatric/Labor & Delivery Tech. She is a fun loving, energetic, out going woman. She is an amazing, giving and selfless person who would give the shirt off her back to help a stranger in need. On Saturday March 9th, Reva failed to show up at work for her midnight shift at the hospital. Concerned employees went to her house where they found her laying face down, unable to move or talk. Reva had suffered a severe stroke. Doctor's estimated that she had been laying there for 8-10 hours, helpless. We are raising money to help Reva in the long road she has ahead of her. She is a single woman who lives alone. We need your help today to raise money to help pay for her house hold bills such as her utilities and mortgage along with her medical bills. Reva has had a tough time these last few years. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, suffered a leg infection in 2011 and ended up suffering from a heart attack after her surgery. She made a full recovery from these past medical problems. Her doctors are optomistic that she will recover but to what degree, we are unsure of at this time. With your help, we can make Reva's long road a little less stressful. We are desperate to get her back on her dancing feet again! Please help us today! Thank you. 


  • Narelle Full
    • $50
    • 10 yrs


Melissa Thompson
Hobart, IN

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