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Please help Christian children in Pakistan

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A few years ago, a Christian family in Pakistan, a mom, a dad and two daughters, happened upon some younger orphans living and working at a brickyard a couple miles from their home. So the family started to take care of them daily the best they could, feeding them a descent meal everyday and spending time with them. This Christian family is elderly, and unable to work and their daughter that is still with them has some health issues and also and is unable to work. Of course, being Christian, they do not get any help from people around them and even if they could work, pay there is next to nothing for this minority in that country. Since last March, 2020, the same time the Covid19 pandemic hit across the globe, this family was able to bargain with the owners of the brickyard and by the grace of God, we’re able to take the children into their home and have them stop working at the factory!!! Praise God. For over a year, me and my wife and a couple of other people, have been helping them by sending what money we could to them for food and supplies. Also, there is a Christian woman and her children helping to start teaching the orphan children ( we call them the Little Flock) which is numbered at 15 plus one disabled young teenager, the fundaments of education, reading, writing and arithmetic. We have helped them with food, clothing, fans, health needs and learning supplies but as you can imagine, with the pandemic, everything is much harder and more expensive and we need your help to keep these people surviving in a country where there is no help for them. So please, consider a donation of any amount, and better yet, jumping on board to commit to helping monthly if possible. Thank you and may the Lord bless each one that is able to help.


  • Jocelyn Nickel
    • $110
    • 3 yrs
  • Jocelyn Nickel
    • $70
    • 3 yrs
  • Ma Jocelyn Vorce
    • $60
    • 3 yrs
  • Ma Jocelyn Vorce
    • $55
    • 4 yrs
  • Rebecca Williams
    • $25
    • 4 yrs


Pat Green
Pontiac, IL

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