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2018NationalYouth LeadershipForum

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Hi family, friends, and strangers! 

I am Ariah Hardy; a 10 year old elementary student at Hogansville Elementary School who has been given a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend Agnes Scott College for their National Youth Leadership Forum-Pathways to STEM (NYLF) which is a unique learning experience for creative elementary school students who will evolve into next generation innovators, engineers, doctors, software developers, and scientists. 

The tuition is $2,500.00 for me to attend.  This cost will include my dorm room/board, faculty/staff teachers, lectures/simulations, curriculums and materials.  Please invest in this educational opportunity which will afford me the experience and growth in NYLF.

I have too many awards and achievements to list; therefore, listed below are a few very special awards, programs and competitions in which I partake to demonstrate my work ethics. 

I am in the Gifted Discovery Program.
I compete in the Academic Bowl Team.
I am the youngest 4th grader to receive The Wave Leadership Award this year.

Thank you for support on my journey to success!



  • Heidi Horner
    • $15
    • 7 yrs


Ariah Hardy
Hogansville, GA

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