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Help Kim Roethemeyer Beat Cancer

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To our family, friends, and any who may come upon this, On April 11th, 2019, our mom, Kim Roethemeyer, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As you can imagine, our world was flipped upside down. Our mom is a nurse and has spent her life caring for others. Now we want to help her throughout this journey and make sure she is able to be here to watch her grandchildren grow. Her doctors stated that because the cancer was caught early they would be able to attack this horrible disease with a high degree of confidence. Our mom will have to undergo chemotherapy, followed by major surgery and additional chemotherapy after surgery. We are asking for funds to help cover medical expenses as well as with her journey as it will be difficult for her to work during her Chemotherapy treatments and after surgery. A donation from you would help with her journey to battle this cancer. We truly thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for any donation that you can make.



    • $25
    • 5 yrs


Brady Britten
Kearney, NE

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