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Lisa has been given the prognosis that anyone would never want to hear, being, that her condition is now TERMINAL. Her life expectancy is a matter of months. The Cancer has spread substantially and aggressively throughout her lungs and skull. Anyone that has had the privilege to have this Lisa in their lives is nothing short of blessed. I don’t remember my life before Lisa and I sure as hell do not want a life without her, and I am confident in saying most of you would feel the same. We are not going to accept this prognosis, which is why we need your help.

Lisa was diagnosed at 22 years of age, she is now 26. Never once has she ever complained or looked for sympathy even when she was devastatingly faced with loss of eyesight, had her drivers licence suspended, suffered memory loss, learned to walk again, suffer difficulty with speech and cognitive functions, to only name a few. She hid all this from the world with the people only closest to her knowing what she was dealing with. Through every grim diagnosis and only weeks after each surgery she turned up to work every day personality with a positive attitude, always looking to make others smile. This is why it is now time for the community to get behind Lisa and help save her life.

Lisa’s Timeline of events:

Diagnosed July 2015 – Brain Cancer

Brain Operation - July 2015

Radiation - September 2015

Chemo - September 2015 to May 2016

Cancer Relapse – December 2016

Brain Operation - December 2016

Cancer Relapse - September 2018

Brain Operation - September 2018

Radiation - September 2018

Cancer spread to Lungs – July 2019

New treatment commenced – August 2019 (unsuccessful)

Cancer spread to Skull – October 2019

7 x Lung tumours continue to grow despite treatment– October 2019

Terminal Diagnosis – October 2019

Current day:

We are now at a stage where we are looking at all available options to save Lisa’s life. What we know, is the next form of treatment is going to be a costly exercise. This involves sending Lisa overseas to a medical treatment facility in Mexico.

How can you help?

The only way to access the treatment needed is to pay for it. There is no government assistance or anyway of subsidising this cost. This is why we are asking people to help in the form of donating funds. This is not a cheap option, but our only one. We need a minimum of $150K for this treatment which will cover intensive therapy, future supplementation and medication to save her life. This is how this campaign was born. It’s called the '150K FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN'.

As you can understand, Cancer does not work to a timeline. This is why we need these funds immediately as every day we wait, Lisa’s cancer progresses. Time is of the essence.

We are reaching out to anyone who can help us save Lisa's life!


  • Ajda Turkay
    • $10
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Megs Whiteside
Earlville, QLD
Lisa Suzanne Griffiths

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt