Help Gokhan and Family Through Cancer Treatment
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Gokhan Inan, a 55-year-old father of an 8-month-old baby girl, Turkan Asya, is a loving husband to his wife Gulsemin, and a truck driver from Turkey. For more than 20 years Gokhan and his family have been living a happy life in North Arlington, New Jersey. Gokhan is a hardworking man, devoted to his community and those around him. About 3 months ago, shortly after Gulsemin gave birth to Asya, Gokhan unfortunately fell victim to an unknown, rapidly progressing disease. Just this week he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Unfortunately, the progression of the illness is such that surgery is not an option at this point. Gokhan’s treatment plan includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy, all of which will last for months. We are uncertain of how long the recovery process will last, and the physical and psychological damage to Gokhan has already taken a huge toll on his family. Gokhan and his family have no financial means to pay for both treatment and living expenses during this period. As Gokhan has not been able to work for the last 3 months due to steadily intensifying pain, his family has no income and cannot keep up with the cost of living in New Jersey. They need your prayers and financial support. Below is the information about the cancer diagnosis as well as photos of Gokhan and his beautiful wife and baby girl. Thank you very much in advance for any support you can provide. Sharing or contributing to this fund is deeply appreciated.
Important Update: Gökhan continues his treatment with the morale he gained with your financial and moral support. His pain decreased slightly with the hormone and radiotherapy he received, but unfortunately, the pain continues. Currently, he continues to receive chemotherapy and his second chemotherapy is planned for February 8, 2024. We hope your prayers and support will continue by sharing the GoFundMe link. Stay with love and health.
Gokhan Inan 55 yasinda, 8 aylik bir kiz cocugu babasi ve sevgi dolu bir es. 20 yili askin bir suredir New Jersey de, ailesine ve cevresindekilere bagli, ornek bir yasanti yasiyorlar, 10 senelik zorlu bir surecin sonunda cok istedikleri bir evlada sahip olduktan cok kisa bir sure sonra, Gokhan maalesef cok hizli ilerleyen bir kotu bir hastaligin kurbani oldu ve son 3 aylik surecin sonunda prostat kanseri teshisi kondu. Maalesef kanserin yayilimi cok genis oldugu icin (tum ic organlar ve kemik dahil) ameliyat secenegi yok. Aylarca surecek olan kemoterapi, radyoterapi ve horman tedavisi onerildi. Iyilesme surecinin fiziki ve psikolojik olarak ne kadar surecegi suan icin cok belirsiz ve bu sure zarfinca tedavi ve gecimlerini saglayacak maddi imkanlari maalesef yok. Agrilari siddetlendiginden beri yani son 3 aydir calisamiyor ve bir gelirleri de yok. Sizlerin dualarina ve maddi desteklerine ihtiyaclari var. Hastaligina konulan teshis bilgileri asagida mevcut. Bu baglamda saglayacaginiz her turlu destek icin simdiden cok tesekkur ederiz.
Onemli Guncelleme: Gokhan sizlerin maddi & manevi destegi ile buldugu moralle tedavisine devam ediyor. Aldigi hormon ve radyoterapilerle agrilari biraz azaldi fakat maalesef hala devam ediyor. Suan kemoterapi almaya devam ediyor ve 2. kemoterapisi 8 Subat 2024 de planlandi. Dualarinizin ve desteklerinizin Gofundme linkini paylasmaniz sayesinde devam edecegini umuyoruz. Sevgi ve saglikla kalin.
Redwood City, CA