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Willie Thorne Leukemia Recovery in Spain

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I don’t wish to offend anybody or speak out about private affairs of other people. But, lately I have been looking after willie Thorne. 

He has been diagnosed with acute monoblastic leukemia (or at least that’s the translation to English). It has happened so quickly. After him feeling ill for quite some time, not knowing what was wrong, flying to England for an appearance and battling through it to come back to Spain and being admitted to hospital and receiving the diagnosis.

 He has infected gout in his left knee, he has been receiving intravenous antibiotics at home to tackle this, but is still in deep pain with this. 

As he has been inactive for so long he is unable to stand on his legs and needs a carer present to assist him with his basic needs as he builds up strength in his legs to become more independent. 

In around 2 weeks he will undergo further chemo.

I don’t yet know any more about the chemo, length of time, prognosis etc because I haven’t been able to speak to a doctor yet! 

Willie’s life is no secret... he is on his own and he makes his money through appearances, commentating etc. Which has, for obvious reasons, had to stop. 

He isn’t entitled to any form of relief over here, he hasn’t had a contract here, and It’s looking like he won’t receive any of the available funds in England! 

So he is left in a very vulnerable situation where money is nearly depleted.

So where does he get help from? 

What happens when he can no longer pay the carer? 

Everyone is on lockdown so it is a lot harder for people to just go and offer help to get him through this. 

There has to be a way!! 

These times are hard and uncertain for everybody and I know people who are in similar situations to me have little or nothing to offer in ways of financial support, but there are some people who are fortunate enough to have more than sufficient.

It’s not only money that this man needs, yes he needs to be able to pay the carer and the rent, bills, food etc but as a long term plan he needs a smaller more affordable rental property to reduce his overall outgoings. This will make things a lot more manageable for him in the long term. 

He may need lifts to and from the hospital for chemo, someone to translate so he can fully understand what the medical professionals are telling him, or just a warm meal in his belly but surely he can’t be left like that with nothing?? 

This just go fund me request is not just a request for money but a request for help of any information, contacts etc of who and what help he can get under these circumstances. 

Thank you in advance.


  • Michael Olive
    • 5 € 
    • 3 Jahre

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