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Starting our New Life Together

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First off thank you to everyone who helped out so far. Thanks you all of you, we got into a lovely place a few months ago, passed the home study, and got set up to wait and see what the court was going to say...

And it looks like we are getting David! So now we are asking people to help us with funds to help us finish furnishing his room, getting him some school supplies like a basic computer, etc. We have less than a month to have things ready for the kid, and between the court costs, and everything we've had to do to make this a reality, we do not have reserve funds to do this. If we did, we would not ask.

This is what we have been working so hard for for the past year and a half. Thank you all for being there for us and helping out in all the small and not so small ways!

We love each and everyone of you.
Lucky and Rain Mc2



So as most of you know, Lucky and I finaly got married. What most of you don't know is what we've been going through the past 2 years, so I am finally going to explain what we've been aluding to for so long.  

Two years ago Lucky and I were finalizing things to move out to California so Lucky could work on his stunt career. I shut down my small massage practice, and we bought an RV. Lucky was spending more time with his son David, after 2 years of practically no contact, when Lucky started to have his credit hit over hospital bills that weren't being paid for his son from around the time his son stopped seeing him. When Lucky asked David's mother about it we were informed that David had been repeatedly molested by a lodger at his grandmother's that they had babysit him at that time.  David had been 11 at this point and was now nearly 14.

We found out he had been in and out of therapy, and the psych ward at Children's hospital, and was struggling with suicidal thoughts and anger. We were brought into the court case, and joined some of David's therapy sessions. His molester was deemed guilty.  David seemed to be doing well and encouraged us to move to CA as he wanted to see his Dad follow his dreams.

So we continued our move to California and as we were a day late the RV park we had a spot in gave our spot away, despite our calls, and left us without a place to go.  A friend let us stay in his driveway and we called the RV park weekly for 3 months before they told us they weren't taking people till September. This was in April. We found another location that would take our RV, but they were having major construction that meant they no longer had a bus stop. This made my getting a regular job almost impossible as I cannot drive, so Lucky started working crazy hours to make ends meet, and I took on odd jobs when I could. This started to depress us both as I prefer to be busy working, and Lucky had to forgoe doing auditions to take on what work he could.

Then David tried to kill himself, twice. It seems he was not coping well, and he had turned to self medicating to deal with all the stress. He ended up in jail, and when they looked at his situation they took him and made him a ward of the state.  

It took the court 4 months to contact Lucky and bring him into the situation, and we've been back and forth to CO for court dates, therapy sessions, etc.  David and I are working hard to develope a strong relationship that we are both enjoying despite the distance. Needless to say all of this increased our stress as they want to do a home assessment to see if they could send David home to live with us, but have been delaying it as an RV will not pass by their standards of a viable home, and they only do a review once every 365 days. However without me working, getting into a 2 bedroom appartment or better yet a small house has not been a possability, much less before our next court date in January.

Then to make our finacial issues even more fun, I ended up in hospital. With no insurance. Right before the wedding. Yeah. So my second visit they were able to get me on emergency Medical before they put a stent in me, which will hopefully also cover the operation I had on Friday the 13th. However my first ER visit still slamed us for a $4,500 bill, to date.  

So instead of a wedding registary, we are asking for people to help us build up enough money to cover my medical bills, and most importantly put a deposit down on a place, so hopefully our son can come be with us, and help us all start a new life as a family. 

I know most of us are all going through hard times and don't have a lot, but we really appreciate whatever you can give. We're not ones to complain about our lot in life, but I want an equal oppurtunity for our boy to be with us, Lucky to finally get to work on his career, and to no longer feel a burden on my loved ones. We also promise to pay it forward, as we know how hard life can hit, and how far a little support goes.

Thank you for being part of our lives and helping our family reunite. It means a lot to us, but it means the world to David. 



  • Tina O'Donnell
    • $25 
    • 8 yrs


Rain Kelley
Castaic, CA

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