Robert Palmer's Gift
On the 27th of October 2020 myself and my siblings and Mum, lost our amazing Dad and Husband to glioblastoma cancer. He lived just 10 months from the initial diagnosis, and despite surgery, chemo, radio and other drugs, nothing worked. Brain tumours only receive less than 1% of cancer research funding, so we wanted to choose a charity close to home that would benefit people like our Dad. We want to help make a change. We will be holding many events and challenges to raise as much money as we possibly can, and more importantly, awareness. Any donation is so beyond appreciated, this money will all go to the YBTC and be put towards research and helping families around Yorkshire that are dealing with this horrible illness. We love you Dad. This is in your memory, a gift on your behalf, a change you wished to make in the world. On behalf of Robert Palmer, this is Roberts gift. X
More information about Yorkshire's Brain Tumour Charity: YBTC are a Leeds based charity funding brain tumour research and supporting people across Yorkshire affected by a brain tumour.

More information about Yorkshire's Brain Tumour Charity: YBTC are a Leeds based charity funding brain tumour research and supporting people across Yorkshire affected by a brain tumour.

Fundraising team (7)
Sophie Watkins
Yorkshire's Brain Tumour Charity
Eleanor Palmer
Team member
David Robinson
Team member
Amelia Robinson
Team member
Charlotte Robinson
Team member