Terminal to Triathlon
Can You Help Me and Other Cancer Crusaders Heal?
In June 2015 I was diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer and given a 50% chance of survival. I had a full intensity stem cell transplant and just six months later I had a relapse.
I told my oncologist to not tell me the revised prognosis and went about researching and rebuilding my own immune system using immunotherapy, functional medicine and lifestyle medicine. I have since discovered that my prognosis was considered terminal with a life expectancy of six months and the additional treatment I was offered was given with palliative intent.
Picture of My Brother (My Stem Cell Donor)
I wish I could say I was fully healed but unfortunately I can't. Out of the 20 bone marrow biopsies I have had 3 relapses, 7 all clears and 13 detectable results but not quantifiable. It is like sleeping with a rattle snake not knowing when it might strike again.
Table Showing Last 4 Results:
The NHS and my health insurance can't offer me anything else other than to continue to prescribe me my second line chemotherapy (costing £ 30k per year) and perform routine bone marrow biopsies. My current cost to the NHS in the region of £ 50k / year.
I believe I can fully heal. I believe I can continue to rebuild my immune system.
The challenge is as any cancer patient will attest is that it takes time, energy and money.
I have built The Terminal to Triathlon Project to help me continue my quest for full health and to help other Cancer Crusaders.
I want to raise £ 500,000. I am training and want to complete the Ireland full distance Ironman in August 2022 in 13 hours or less.
The money is a drop in the ocean compared to the £ 5 billion cancer costs the NHS in the UK. Whilst I fully support everything modern medicine can offer, unfortunately there are gaping holes in the system to properly support true healing.
I am approaching my healing journey and the Ironman like a professional athlete is training for their Gold Medal in the Olympics. The only difference is my Gold Medal is my health and helping re-write the script for mainstream medicine accelerating the switch from a reactive to proactive health care system.
60% of the money raised will go directly to helping other cancer patients get access to complementary, alternative and rehabilitation services and programmes.
20% will go towards the running of the project.
20% will go towards my continued research and treatment relating to my cancer which could include returning to Florida for further immunotherapy treatment (see below).
So far I have released 5 Podcasts which you can listen to and share here . I have a goal of 50 Podcasts with amazing Doctors and Patients.
I will release my first book Terminal to Triathlon: One Man, This Life, One Mission
I believe the answers to true healing are already here, we just have to piece the jigsaw pieces together and that is what I will hope to do with this project.
The three key objectives of this project are to Inspire, Educate and Empower. Inspiration will come through my story from going Terminal to Triathlon, the Education will come through the Podcast, Youtube, Social Media and my book.
The Empowerment message is to help cancer patients embrace the alternative and complimentary strategies sooner in their healing journey and not when they have no where else to turn.
Let's create history together and save lives.
#terminaltotriathlon #ironman #anythingispossible #terminalcancer
FAQ - What is the Florida Immunotherapy Treatment.
In 2017 I travelled to Florida to receive my first round of immunotherapy treatment which was aiming to rebuild my natural killer cell function. My UK oncologist said that I was wasting my children's inheritance so I decided at the time to run a campaign to help support the cost.
Given the success of the first round of treatment, I decided to go back for three more rounds with each block lasting approx six weeks. I haven't been back since 2018. Below is a graph showing that the treatment was working moving my NK function from 0 to 9.7. The goal was to get it back to at least 16.
I didn't return after my last round in 2018 because of the increasing financial pressure and set about finding other avenues locally in the UK. Given that my most recent result was positive again, I have decided that if I didn't go back now and something happened, I would never fogive myself in that I didn't do something I knew was working with someone I trusted.
For further information about my treatment, please see this published study on the 4 rounds of treatment I received: Future Science Study