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Sustainable Cycles

Donación protegida
Sustainable Cycles is a program of Sustainable Streets to promote safe and healthy cycling - from bicycles to menstrual cycles.

In Spring 2017, we will bike thousands of miles, self supported, to a women's health conference in Atlanta, Georgia. We will meet face-to-face with people in very diverse political landscapes across the US and Mexico, hosting cycling workshops along the way. We will connect with local leaders to discuss how, as cyclists, to survive in the road and about the product choices we have for menstrual health. Our country needs this. 

We will also create a short documentary film on Sustainable Cycles. Sinead Santich is a third-year Cinema and Digital Media major at the University of California, Davis, and will joining the tour from Birmingham to Atlanta, capturing Sustainable Cycles in action. Once the documentary is finished, it will be used to spread the mission of Sustainable Cycles to an even larger audience!

Anyone who experiences menstruation  deserves access to basic education so that they can make informed choices about their mobility and their period. This access is not provided across the board; we have to educate ourselves! 

Motor vehicles allow us to forget the amount of energy it takes to be mobile. Disposable menstrual products allow us to disconnect from our cycle. But these products come at a high economic, environmental, and social cost.  As access to women's health care is threatened, we support reproductive autonomy by knowing our cycles. As fossil fuels wreak environmental havoc, we support traveling without them.   

Donate to...

Fix a flat tire: $20 (we of course do it ourselves)
Feed a rider for 5 days: $50
Sponsor a workshop! $100
Get us a tent! $200
Admit one rider to the conference: $400
Get 5 of us back home from Atlanta: $600
Be an angel: $1,000

Our workshops cover basic menstrual health, vital bicycle safety tips, and an exhibition of reusable menstrual products. The bicycle and sustainable products are powerful tools for social change! 

Since 2011, we have ridden 16,000+ miles in over 30 US states challenging menstrual taboos. This spring marks our sixth tour, our second pilgrimage to The Society for Menstrual Cycle Research conference, and our first time riding internationally.

Vamos unidas con nuestras hermanas latinas porque el movimiento es mundial.  

Disposable menstrual products are wasteful, toxic, expensive, and chained to an industrial system that is NOT good for our communities. In using them, people who menstruate will spend thousands of dollars, create hundreds of pounds of trash, and expose themselves to harmful chemicals throughout their lifetimes. Our workshops have already inspired hundreds of people across the US to embrace their cycles as a sign of vitality and make the switch to lesser known, non-toxic, reusable menstrual supplies.

Your donation will go to rider scholarships to support our “spokeswomen” on tour, providing them with food, bicycle gear, and emergency repairs as they cycle through communities and provide workshops on their way to Atlanta.

Donate now. Support the movement!

Rider Scholarships: $14,400
Documentary Fees: $600
Conference Admission: $3,000
Events: $1,000
Planning and Design: $6,000
Materials and Promo Items: $1,000
Contingency: $3,000
Insurance: $2,000
GFM Fee: $2,000
Total: $33,000

Sustainable Streets is a 501c3 public charity, tax id #27-1101481.


  • Anónimo
    • $100 
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Rachel Horn
Los Angeles, CA
Ron Durgin

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