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Feeding the kids

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A lot of us are very focused on helping NHS STAFF and key workers, which is great obviously. They’re working their bums off and deserve it!
However, due to the current circumstances there’s a TON of parents who are struggling to the extent that their kids go days without eating (no exaggeration).
Imagine being in such situation where you can only rely on food banks.
So the plan is, I’m basically aiming to feed a school a week via House of Koko & Distrikt Bar Leeds... making hundreds of sarnies (this is why I was asking what kids liked the other day) and doing whatever is required.

Reeshy Kate has already given me a list of schools and has offered to help, but due to social distancing etc, I cant accept any more help other than donations.

Neil's Fresh Fruit, Veg have kindly agreed to donate the bread.

The first school is Brackenedge on the list where they’ll be collecting first thing this Thursday morning.

I'm not sure how much it will cost, but with donations it means I can aim to do this for as long as schools are closed & more if needed.. Thankyou to all.


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    • £20 
    • 4 yrs


Rosita Rogers

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