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Our move to Honduras

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As most parents would say, our son is number one in our lives. Leo is an amazing four-year-old with the best attitude and a hilarious, helpful, and loving personality.  

We are going through a difficult time and today, I need to take a risk, step out of my comfort zone, and ask for your help. As some of you know my husband Gabriel, Leo's dad, came to this country 13 years ago with no papers. He wanted a better life than what his country could give him, so he took a chance and came here. As they say, the stars aligned, we meet, got married and had Leo.  Gabriel is an amazing husband, friend, and most of all, dad. When Leo was born, I got very sick. Gabriel stepped right in and did everything to care for Leo and for me. He was the first person to hold Leo and he got to spend a lot of time with him before I was able to even see our precious baby. I believe that they have such a special relationship because of this initial bonding time. I could write forever about their relationship, but, as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and the one above illustrates the pure love that they have for each other better than I ever could with mere words. 

 As a family, we decided that we need to to fix Gabriel's papers; he did not want to keep living here without documents. Unfortunately, the only way that we can move forward with his immigration process is if he leaves the country for five years. We have accepted that this is what needs to happen in order to create a better life for our family in the future. This past weekend Gabriel left for Honduras. It has been a week now and Leo has cried every night, missing his dad. He is at the age where he knows that he is gone, but can't grasp for how long, or how far away he is. 

 We want what is best for Leo, and what is best for him is to be with both his mom and his dad. I am asking for any kind of help to get us through this challenging time. Our plan is that Leo and I will move to Honduras this summer because our family can not be separated for five years. We are trying to make the transition as easy as we can for Leo and for that to happen, we need some financial support. I am still paying for Leo's school, his insurance, and my own student loans. We are working hard to save, but on a teacher’s salary, it is very difficult and it seems that things always come up that cost more than we are expecting. In addition to day-to-day expenses, there are the pending expenses associated with relocating to another country. Anyone who has traveled, particularly with a child, knows that it is difficult to make sure to pack all of the necessities, and anyone who has moved knows the expected, and unexpected, expenses that come up. It is all very stressful.

 This story is not about politics; it is about a family trying to make things right. It is about a little boy who dearly loves and misses his papi and does not understand why he has to be gone. And the confusion for Leo is just beginning. He will not understand why he has to leave everything and everyone he knows. He will have to learn new people, culture, and language. Having some of the financial burden of this process lessened will be a huge weight off of our shoulders. It will allow us to focus on our little guy, ensuring that the situation of his parents does not have a negative impact on his life. 

 We are blessed to have an amazing support system of great friends and family. I appreciate you so much taking the time to read our story. If you feel so moved, please contribute what you can and know that you are appreciated more than words can say.

 Blessings to all.



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Anna Schnack Alberto
Minneapolis, MN

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