Marin Pickup Soccer Kicks the Coronavirus!
With the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order in effect in the Bay Area, many nonprofit community groups, charities, food banks, and other organizations are anticipating a strain on their resources and are requesting financial donations to help them through this crisis.
1. Everything we raise will be split evenly between the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank and the Fondazione La Stampa—Specchio del Tempo.
2. Thanks to Haim Erez's generosity all donations will be matched!
San Francisco-Marin Food Bank:
The organization serves more than 141,000 people every week. The food bank, which relies on volunteers, has seen roughly half of its volunteers cancel shifts for March.
Fondazione La Stampa—Specchio del Tempo:
This non-profit, established in 1976 grew out of a newspaper column in La Stampa, a Turin-based newspaper that is among Italy’s oldest. The Foundation is asking for donations to benefit Italian hospitals in critical need of medical equipment, like ventilators, and to help the elderly impacted by the crisis.