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Jim Sadist Final Expense Fund

Spende geschützt
Recently, the MAYOR OF PARMA and Cleveland metal legend JIM KONYA  (Nunslaughter, Schnauzer, + many more) suffered a stroke. At one time or another Jim has likely given us all a CD, record, sticker, shirt... something. Now it's time for us to give back! Let's help Jim get back on his feet and behind a drumset. 100% of funds raised will help Jim pay for medical expenses that insurance may not cover, and other bills incurred during his recovery.

PS- follow Nunslaughter on Facebook for updates on his recovery.


  • Tony Salaices
    • $50 
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Emma VVhite
Cleveland, OH
Linda Konya

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