Helping Brother Corey Logan
My name is Christopher Morales and i’m starting this GoFundMe for D/O Corey Logan. Corey has been a firefighter with Miami Dade Fire Rescue for over 20 years with almost all of those years here at Station 6. He’s the bid in Driver on Engine 6 B shift and is the heart and soul of the station. His energy is infectious and is hands down one of the best D/O’s on The Job!
Today, Tuesday 11/10/20, Corey was working an overtime shift w me on C shift. Shortly after lunch Corey’s life changed in a heartbeat. Shortly after lunch Corey recieved a Ring notification on his phone which showed a neighbor frantically banging on his front door which led him to believe something was wrong at his house. Corey has been his wife’s caretaker for many years as she had many medical conditions. Everyday not at the Firehouse he was taking care of her like no other. After getting the notfication we hopped on the rig and headed to his house lights and sirens. As we were a couple mins out a housefire was dispatched and it was his address that came over the air. He knew it immediately. Unfortunately when we arrived we had the worst case scenario. There was heavy smoke and fire coming from his house w his wife inside. We did our job and put the fire out and searched as fast as we could but were too late. She passed away as a result of the fire. This is a Firemans worst nightmare! Not only did he show up first to his house burning, but also lost the love of his life as a result of the fire as well. His whole world has been flipped upside down and he needs our help!
I am asking for any and everyone who can to help OUR BROTHER in this tragic time. He will need help with everything to get his life and family’s life back together.ANY donation amount will help and be appreciated to get him back on his feet as he deals w this tragedy. Please keep him and his family in your prayers as we help him navigate this unfortunate event. Thank you for your time and God Bless!!!