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Help us evacute our daughter to safety !

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My dear kind-hearted friends,

Amidst all the chaos and sadness in Gaza, there's a brave couple named Mohammed and Fahima, along with their little one-year-old daughter Rose, who desperately need our help to piece together their shattered lives.

Mohammed used to help people as a heart doctor, and Fahima took care of expecting mothers. They had big dreams for their future in medicine, full of hope and excitement.

But the recent war in Gaza destroyed everything they had worked for. Their home is gone, along with precious memories and toys belonging to baby Rose. They lost their jobs too, leaving behind only memories of what could have been.

Even though life is tough now, Mohammed and Fahima are still helping others. We volunteer as doctors in shelters in Rafah, doing what they can to make a difference.

But our dream of starting over in a new country where we can work as doctors again, and where Rose can grow up safe. However, crossing borders is expensive and hard.

That's why they're asking for help. We need money to pay the Egyptian authorities to cross the border safely (5000$-7500$ per person). It's a big emotional burden for them, but it's the first step towards finding a new home and a fresh start.

Every donation, no matter how small, brings them closer to safety and a chance to live without the fear and pain of war. Let's join together to help Mohammed, Fahima, and Rose rebuild their lives.

How Donations Will Help

Each donation is a beacon of hope. It provide a temporary safe haven for my sister's family in Egypt, and assist in their resettlement in Germany. With rising living costs, especially housing, your support becomes even more crucial. It's about giving them a foundation to rebuild their lives, to transition from survival to living, and eventually contributing to the community as we have been striving to do. Your support is more than financial; it's a lifeline.

Your support is crucial in turning this government initiative into a life-changing reality for our loved ones.

Every dollar raised through this campaign will be diligently used to cover a range of essential expenses for our family members. These costs include, but are not limited to:
Paperwork (biometrics, issuing passports, application fees, driver licenses, insurance fees, mailing, etc.).
Accommodation until visas are granted.
Flights from Egypt to Germany.

If funds permit, pocket money for initial expenses and groceries.

Thank you for caring and for your support.
contact Mohammed at : WhatsApp: 00972592581241; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mohammed__saqer/?igsh=dzR4M3pqMWt6cnZo



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