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Katie, Chloe and I to serve in Macedonia

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Dear Friends and Family,
      At the end of april the girls and I have the opportunity be part of a mission trip to Macedonia with Discovery Ministry. We will be going with a team of 22 and will be there from April 24th to May 5th. Their work began in the Balkan region in 1999 when Kosovan Albanians were forced to flee Kosovo to the countries of Albania and Macedonia to avoid death or torture.
     Discovery Ministry was founded 25 years ago by Rick and Mary Drenk. They became involved with Kosovans during the 1999 war. Their daughter, Tami, was working in an orphanage in nearby Albania. She called home seeking help for refugees pouring into the small town where she lived. Through the help of the local media, churches, and schools they were able to raise over two hundred thousand dollars in funds and materials to help these refugees. They are now continuing their work in Kosovo, Albania, and Macedonia through group mission trips.
     Their work has included teaching English, supporting widows and poor families, repairing homes, schools, and businesses, and encouraging faith and trust in God. We're so excited about being a part of this ongoing ministry that God is doing in that region of the world. We want to help meet the needs of these people, as well as share with them the love of god.
      As a mother, I can't tell you how thrilled I am to take my daughters to care for these precious people. The total cost for the trip is $2,300 per person plus passport expense. This amount covers the airfare, food and lodging, transportation in country, and all other related costs. We need to raise these funds by April 12th. If you are able to help us with any amount, your gift will be tax deductible through Discovery Ministry. A receipt will be sent acknowledging your donation. We believe that God has called us to go on this mission trip and we are looking forward to what he will do through us and the others.  When Chloe was talking through her feelings on this adventure she made a decision not to let fear keep her from serving in a way that she is able to.  Both of the girls have a love for young children and for Jesus.  I am a blessed mom! 
     We appreciate gifts of any amount and, of course, prayer for God to work through us that He may be glorified in us.
  Grace and Peace to you,
Stephanie, Chloe and Katie Olander


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Stephanie Olander

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