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Get Shelley to Kripalu!

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Welcome to Shelley Nicole's Yoga School fundraising page!  I am Katie Elevitch, a fellow musician/yogi and longtime colleague of Shelley's "“ we are songwriters, bandleaders, musicians, and both share a dedication to, and love of, the healing arts.  She and I even shared the stage back in 2004 during an off-the-hook full band musical event showcasing diverse rock/soul bands at a major Brooklyn, NY venue.  She is a true-to-self powerhouse performer and I have always admired her accomplishments from afar.

Late this summer I was thinking deeply about how to launch my new blog, RockandRollYogi.com "“about its intention, content and purpose - when I came across Shelley's Pinterest Yoga Vision Board.

Something about looking at her chosen images of yogic inspiration moved me to the core.  One night I awoke with an idea that I couldn't shake.

In the middle of the night, barely out of sleep, I emailed Shelley via my smart phone telling her I was going to help her raise the funds to become a teacher.  There was no doubt: We had to do this.  I felt called to help.  And my blog would be a portal for Paying It Forward.

I awoke the next morning wondering whether that call to action was a dream.  No it wasn't.

When I received and read Katie's email that morning I cried. I was so thankful, grateful and extremely humbled by her selfless gesture and I still feel the same way today.  I was having some doubts the day before about whether or not this yoga dream could come true, but Katie's email was just another piece of evidence that I am on the right path.  They say we are all angels for each other here on earth and Katie is clearly an angel in my life. ~ Shelley

Sometimes we do things out of some strange pure push of energy "“ we feel moved.  We don't over think it. Once Shelley and I talked, and I read her Kripalu application and learned even more about her personal journey through her wonderful blog posts and websites-I became even more energized to help.

I have been so blessed this year, and accomplished so much since my own life changing experience of becoming a certified yoga teacher in 2011, that I just knew I needed to give back to those who had that dream, or showed that potential, of becoming healers for themselves and for their community.  

Shelley's vision includes being a strong, wise, grounded presence and leader in the yoga and African-American communities, bringing yoga and healing to struggling, stressed out artists in Brooklyn and beyond, educating women of all kinds, but specifically people of color in how to better take care of their bodies and minds through yoga and food and the arts.

Not only will Shelley be a tremendous positive example for the black community in general, but she has the vision to bring her talent, healing power and compassionate creativity to a wide array of people, in New York City and beyond.  She won't just think it; She will make it happen.  But she needs our help.

By sponsoring her, by helping her reach her needed financial goals, we as a community will ultimately help ourselves - bringing yoga and healing and music to diverse communities, to people who need it most. Healing creates more healing. And it all comes full circle.  We are ultimately one.

I am excited and proud to bring Shelley into my Rock and Roll Yogi family.  She epitomizes my own vision of integration of the gifts of authentic self and service.  She is an inspiration to me and to those she encounters through her already lively and thriving Reiki practice and Music endeavors.

There is a saying, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." I think Katie and I are both taking a big leap into parts unknown, but there is also a Bill Cosby quote that says, "Decide you want it more than you are afraid of it." That is what we are doing here. We are choosing to jump and we are not afraid. I hope you will come with us. ~ Shelley

Let's get Shelley to Kripalu, help her get even farther in manifesting her vision. We can't wait to serve you, teach you and thank you.


Katie and Shelley

What Shelley Needs
Kripalu School Tuition $4,643 (Includes cost of room and board for one month intensive program)
Scholarship Award: $1,857 - Go Shelley!  Kripalu believes in You!
Balance Due: $2,786
Pre-Go Fund Me Donations: $300
Amount due by Sept. 13th: $1,393 (URGENT: Needed in order to reserve Shelley's spot)
Amount due by Oct. 8th: $1,393 (So Shelley can walk in the door)
Living Expenses: $1000
Total = $3,796 - $300 = $3,500 (We can do this!)

Below are the details of the awesome perks we are offering. Check it out!

Namaste ($10)
Personalized Thank You Card & a yoga haiku

Om Shanti ($25)
Community yoga class with either Shelley or Katie (your choice of teacher), personalized Thank You card & yoga haiku

Root Chakra - Keeping us Grounded ($50)
Everything above plus 30-minute Reiki session with Shelley (distance session if outside NY area) and 1 digital track from Katie's forthcoming CD

Sacral Chakra - It's our pleasure ($75)
Everything above plus a 60 minutes Reiki session with Shelley and admission for 2 to Katie's Full Band CD release show (November 11th, Piermont NY) and a full length digital copy of Katie's project.

Solar Plexis Chakra - We've got the Power!  ($100)
Private yoga session in your home with Shelley or Katie (your choice) - NY/NJ area only

Heart Chakra - We've got nothing, but love for you ($250)
Yoga Party! 60-minute custom tailored yoga class for you and 5 of your closest friends taught by Shelley or Katie (your choice of teacher). Location TBD

Throat Chakra - We are singing your praises  ($500)
Private yoga session with Shelley or Katie (your choice), plus 60 minute Reiki session w/Shelley (distance session if outside NY area) and admission for 2 to Shelley's b'earthday show and return of her band blaKbüshe (November 16th, NYC)

Third Eye Chakra - We can see clearly now ($1,000)
In-House acoustic concert with Shelley OR Katie (NY, NJ, CT, Boston area, Philly, or DC), private yoga session with Shelley OR Katie (your choice of teacher) and 60 minute Reiki session with Shelley (distance session if outside of NY area).

Crown Chakra - Bliss! ($2,000)
In-House acoustic concert with Shelley AND Katie (NY, NJ, CT, Boston area, Philly or DC), private yoga session with Shelley OR Katie (your choice) and 60 minute Reiki session with Shelley (distance session if outside of NY area).

For more information on Shelley & Katie

Shelley Nicole's blaKbüshe website
Rock and Roll Yogi (Katie's Website)
blaKbüshe on Facebook
Sovereign Hands (Reiki) on Facebook
Downward blog (Shelley's yoga blog)
the burning büshe (Shelley's music blog)
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health



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