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Christen & Neal's Little Miracle

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I have this great need sitting on my heart and I wanted to give you all an opportunity to shoulder it with me. The subject matter is private and sensitive, and the willingness to help is absolutely your choice with no strings attached. I only ask one thing as I explain, that you pray and see if God would put it on your heart to support this surprise for a family I love so much.

Christen is my absolute best friend and beloved little sister. She has given me such joy and shown me that God is real- that He relentlessly pursues us regardless of how far we stray. By all statistical accounts, she should not even be with us today let alone be a mother and wife, pursuing a Masters Degree with a near perfect GPA. She is an incredible mom, truly wonderful woman, steadfast wife and loves others with such intentionality. To be more like her would be one of my very greatest accomplishments in this life.

Christen and Neal have been trying tirelessly to get pregnant in an effort to bless Sophia with a little sibling to grow alongside of. Sophia is such a dear, and would make an incredible big sister. I think there is something so special about her- like innocence and compassion meet an enormous capacity to love and bring deep joy to those around her. She is so smart and sassy, and she brings such vitality to our family! Sophia is nearly 6 years old and, despite their years of attempts, investment and medical intervention, Christen and Neal are having grave difficulty getting pregnant. They have elected to try a procedure with a hefty price tag as they feel so called to share their love with another baby.

Maybe the procedure will be victorious, or maybe this chapter of their lives will close and the door of adoption will open. Regardless, I want them to know that they are loved. I want them to know that God sees right where they're at, that He has heard their cry (which has been devastating to watch) and that His people have joined together to support them. Christen has been growing in her walk with Jesus, and this year we both have seen God do incredible things in her life. One quote that has hit home with her lately states "Faith is not hoping that God can, it is knowing He will." Indeed wise one, indeed!!

I think about Isaiah's account of his heavenly encounter with God in the scriptures. I'm enamored by Isaiah 6, which speaks to that majestic moment when God's glory was revealed to Isaiah, and all of the shame and darkness of his past was taken away by one angelic touch. In that chapter God asks, almost as an invitation to Isaiah, "Whom shall I send?" In other words, who will tell the world what they've seen God do? Who will invite the masses to be part of something bigger than themselves? Without missing a beat Isaiah cries "Here I am Lord!! Send me!" That is my heart behind this opportunity to give. I need you to make this dream a reality!! Will you? Can you? Who will HE send?

"And so it was that she, who had waited long and endured patiently, realized and obtained what God had promised."     Hebrews 6:15

Would you consider giving as you feel led to do so?

Thank you for reading and considering.

Very Respectfully,
Courtney Chandler


  • Cheryl Gaitley
    • $50 
    • 5 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Courtney Hall
Honolulu, HI
Christen Chandler Estep

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