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DVHS AP Outreach

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My name is Aaron Chiang, I am a Senior at Dougherty Valley High School in San Ramon, CA. Along with my peers; Jordan Vogel, Will Bried, and Justin Neri, I have started a club at our school called AP Outreach. With our club, we hope to raise some money to help a drug rehab center called Operation Dawn.

Operation Dawn is a drug rehab organization with dozens of rehab centers all over the world, from the United States, Canada, Thailand, all the way to Liverpool. It is a program that fights against substance addiction. The program is a 12 month period where the students are isolated from the outside world with no electronics, drinking, or other miscellaneous distractions. Here, they are taught to not only fight against their addictions physically but also mentally. This program not only looks to cure the patients of addiction but also things that provoked the addiction, including depression, loneliness, and sadness. With this, it helps cure the phycological effects of the substances and graduating students have a 90-95% rate of remaining sober.

Starting from when they first came to America 14 years ago, my family and I would go to the Operation Dawn rehab center in San Jose every holiday to serve them food. In addition, my family would also open up our small family restaurant for meetings to help them raise money. A few years back, my brother and I started selling clothes that would help raise money for Operation Dawn. My brother also went to an Operation Dawn rehab center in Taiwan to talk to the people there while giving out some shirts. (I have attached the link to our clothing website below.) We helped raise a few thousand dollars to help them bring in more people in need into the program. 


After starting the clothing brand to help Operation Dawn of San Jose, I wanted to do something bigger that more people could get involved with. I took what I learned and created AP Outreach.

My club, AP Outreach, is a volunteering club at Dougherty Valley High School that helps fundraise and provide support for Operation Dawn of San Jose. I also would like to use this club to inform the student body of the dangers of drugs and smoking.
With things like juuls and e-cigs so prevalent around campus life,  students are at risk to start venturing into drugs. I see that educating the student body about the dangers of these substances is very important. With first-hand experience by bringing in successful people from Operation Dawn who has graduated from the program, I hope to allow them to speak to the student body and to show them the dangers of drugs.

I assembled a team of student officers equally passionate (if not more) that bring in different talents to help maximize the benefits of this club. (linked below is a brief description of them and myself) 


Operation Dawn is a free program, contrary to many other drug rehab services that charge thousands of dollars a month.  Operation Dawn operates out of a 4-acre farm in Gilroy, CA. They aim to isolate themselves from their dark past and teach them to understand responsibility by raising farm animals and cultivating crops. We are raising money to not only help them build their new home but to also pay for farm animals and crops.

We understand that money can be tight, but don't that discourage you from supporting us! Something as simple as sharing us on Facebook or other social media platforms allows our mission to grow further into the community and his widely appreciated!

Thank you!

Aaron Chiang
AP Outreach founder

I have attached a video of our visit to the old Operation Dawn of San Jose's center before they move to the farm. (My talented Vice President Will Bried created a short little clip of our trip). 


  • Yung-Ching Lin
    • $68 
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: AP Outreach (3)

Aaron Chiang
San Ramon, CA
Operation Dawn
Jordan Vogel
Team member
Justin Neri
Team member

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