Capital Campaign WDVF 2024 Expansion Project
Tax deductible
Help us meet our goal
We’re raising money to make a difference and further our cause. To meet new challenges, we’ve set up this campaign with a goal of $500,000.
Working Dogs for Vets (WDFV) is proposing to expand our cornerstone training facility in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee to meet the current demand for WDFV-trained animals. WDFV is a non-profit organization that trains rescue dogs to mitigate circumstances for disabled veterans. With our volunteer trainers, we have developed a unique training style that allows each dog to be equipped with skills critical to their veteran. Our training style was designed by a world leader in dog training, Ken Knabenshue. Overseen by Ken, our trainers work with the veterans to determine their needs, whether it be assistance opening a refrigerator, reminders to take medication, or any skill that may be of use. If there is a will: there is a way at WDFV.
Your support will be contributed towards the construction of our 5,000 SQFT expansion. With this project, we believe we can double our capacity to serve and provide as many as 600 successful dog placements and training per year out of our Tennessee location, allowing us to begin to eliminate our waitlist. Grant funding allows us to support our expansion project without the need to charge program participants to ensure every veteran has the opportunity to receive a WDFV dog no matter their circumstances.
WDFV is a very unique but trusted long-standing program. We understand questions may arise and we are happy to respond promptly we must continue to secure great partners so we can continue to serve disabled veterans across the country by mitigating their circumstances and eliminating burdens of access.
To keep our cost-free for the veterans, we must have partners to support our capital projects. We will evaluate the success of this capacity expansion by tracking all outcomes in comparison to current outcomes with currently available resources. As stated previously, we hope to double outcomes out of our Tennessee training base.
With your help, Working Dogs For Vets can reach this goal and continue the work we’ve set out to do in this campaign.
Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference.
Tax Exempt #47-2426504, National CFC# 37322
Working Dogs For Vets