Covid-19 Relief Fund for Trujillo Family
Hi all!
My name is Alex, and I have created this on behalf of my parents and sibling in Washington DC. When it rains, it pours! Some of you may know me, a lot of you probably do not. The pandemic has impacted us all, one way or another. I was fortunate enough to stay employed and continue to receive a steady paycheck through this all. For a lot of marginalized folks this was not the case. My parents work in the restaurant industry and by the end of March after DC shutdown they were both furloughed. Neither of them qualified for a stimulus check and do not qualify for unemployment benefits. My brother and I were still employed and financially able to help them cover some bills. However, in April my brother tested positive for Covid-19 from an unsafe work environment and had to stop working. Luckily, he has been recuperating well but still has a long way to go as the virus left his immune system in bad shape.
A week ago my dad had to be rushed to the hospital to get his gallbladder removed. There were some complications during the surgery that led to the doctors making a larger, more invasive incision than initially predicted resulting in a longer recovery time. This means he can’t return to work for a month until his incision fully heals.
Like many, many marginalized folks who live paycheck to paycheck being unemployed for a couple of weeks is not doable. They have been unemployed for nearly four months now with a kid to look after. While I have still been able to make sure they have food, there are bills, like rent, utilities, and medical fees, that are piling up and with no income it’s only getting worse. With many attempts at applying for financial assistance in different places, all options available have been exhausted.
Anything you are able to donate is greatly appreciated. Sharing it also helps!
Thank you all!