Hauptbild der Spendenaktion


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Cycling to mobilize our power and privilege to benefit Black Lives Matter partner NAACP Legal Defense Fund. I, Greg, am riding 1,000 miles by Labor Day to raise $10,000! Now I'm not alone.  Lucas Mattson (Iowa), Bar Clarke (Maine) and David Curwen (Michigan) have joined the team.  We are incredibly blessed. We are able. We each have a voice and we have community. We also have what too many people in this country do not. Privilege. Our blind eye is no longer turned. This is a time of reckoning and soul-searching. We are committed to making this moment a movement with a different outcome in mind for our brothers and sisters who've been systemically oppressed for centuries.  

Biking for Black Lives Matter will support a partner of the Black Lives Matter movement, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF). The LDF focuses on issues of education, voter protection, economic justice and criminal justice. The LDF pursues racial justice to move our nation toward a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans. More about them here:  https://www.naacpldf.org/ 

If you'd like to be a part of Biking4BlackLivesMatter, here are some meaningful choices:
1.  Support this cause with a one-time gift.
2.  Pledge a rider for each mile they ride.  i.e.  .10/mile would be $100 by Labor Day.  (ooh, but what if we ride farther....???) Send us a note via GoFundMe and we'll make a note of your pledge.  You can always set a limit...in case we start pedaling and just can't stop. 
If you're going to spend some significant time on your bike this summer and want those miles to count, join the summer challenge as a rider and add your pedaling to the purpose.  There's no reason our team can't span the country.  Why not raise $50k?  Or $100?  The sky's the limit!!


  • Robbie Bills
    • $650 
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam: TeamBiking4BLM (5)

Kalamazoo, MI
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Bar Clarke
Team member
David Curwen
Team member
Lucas Mattson
Team member
Mark Watson
Team member

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt