Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos



We strongly believe in utilizing trusted scientific information combined with the voices of the autistic and/or neurodiverse population to deliver our service (s) and support (s). Therefore, we have specifically chosen the Social Model of Disability to shape the way in which we interact and deliver our service (s). Embracing the Social Model of Disability, we aim to remove systemic barriers, nurture self-advocacy, and promote empowerment. Through our pioneering digital guide, we have created an accessible, round-the-clock resource hub that addresses the specific needs of our community. We ensure that no one is left behind by offering an open-access platform, adaptable to various functional abilities. Our aim is to bridge the gap, fostering connections within the neurodiverse community, promoting support, socialization, and alleviating the unique challenges faced by our beneficiaries.


Our vision is clear: we want to help autistic and neurodiverse adults lead fulfilling lives by breaking down systemic barriers and nurturing self-advocacy. To ensure adults experiencing neurodiversity lead fulfilled lives.


Our mission is to empower and support autistic and neurodiverse adults through a holistic and inclusive approach. We are driven by our unwavering commitment to utilize trusted scientific knowledge and amplify the voices of our community.


Our strategic plan goes beyond short-term assistance. We're focused on lifting individuals out of poverty and into the workforce, our support doesn't have an expiration date – it's there for you throughout your life journey.


At AFLF, our values are deeply rooted in inclusivity, empowerment, and accessibility of the autistic spectrum and neurodiversity overall. We uphold these values as the guiding principles that inform our every action and decision, our values drive our organization's efforts and underscore our commitment to creating a more inclusive, accommodating, and equitable future for all autistic and neurodiverse adults.

o Commitment
o Community
o Empowerment
o Flexibility and Teamwork
o Inclusivity
o Innovation
o Integrity
o Neurodiversity
o Open Communication
o Protection
o Respect
o Social Model to Disability
o Support and Security
o Sustainability
o Transparency


Globally, the autistic population has unanimously agreed that the colour gold is to represent the AS, as the abbreviation for Autism is AU like the abbreviation for gold on the periodic table. The autistic population has unanimously decided that the symbol to represent the autistic population is that of the infinity loop (endless loop). The infinity loop was chosen as the expression of autistic traits can be limitless and to recognize that no two autistics are alike. Hereby the autistic community and allies recognizes and accepts the diversity and inclusion of all cultures, ethnicities, genders, and sexes into the spectrum.©

Ilustración de manos que ayudan

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Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $20: sé el primero en contribuir a esta recaudación de fondos

Tu donación es el puntapié inicial para que Autism for Life Foundation tenga éxito. La primera demostración de apoyo inspira a otras personas a donar.

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Autism for Life Foundation

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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    Envía ayuda a la gente y las causas que te importan

  • Confiable

    Nuestro equipo de Confianza y protección trabaja día y noche para mantener segura a nuestra comunidad