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Ghanaian Youth & Culture Project

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Dear Family and Friends; both old and new,

Toward the goal of mission and travel, I’ve spent time with a family friend, Kathryn Roe.  Kathryn is the director of Anansi, a non-profit organization in Ghana, Africa.  Anansi’s mission is to “fund the high school education of academically qualified students in Ghana who are otherwise unable to continue their education due to financial need.”

During one of my visits with Kathryn, I learned that Anansi has experienced difficulty in obtaining sponsors (their primary source of funding).  While Anansi’s organization is represented online via Anansi’s website and a Facebook page, there is a lack of bridge-building artistic and educational video media.  I believe Anansi’s mission and vision may be better understood, thus served, through a short documentary film. 

Because the organization has minimal overhead costs and is supported by volunteers and donations, the idea of hiring a videographer has not been realistic.  This is where I believe I may be of service and the reason for this GoFundMe.  I am seeking support, both in finances and prayer, to accomplish this adventure.  Kathryn has invited me to Ghana, to learn about Anansi and the Ghanaian culture.  While there, I will be connecting with the people, the villages, the students, the families, the culture, the land – video and photo-documenting everything.  My project goal and objective is to creatively and clearly communicate Anansi’s mission and presence in Ghana, including the organization’s history and future educational support of Ghanaian youth.

I am happy to ask for your prayer and support.

Prayer: that I may be clear to see and feel God’s direction every day; be a gentle and supportive presence; stay healthy and safe during my stay; make genuine connections; grow and learn, expanding my knowledge and wisdom; and work peacefully, positively and effectively with Kathryn and the Anansi team.

Finances: this trip will cost approximately $5,000.  This will cover travel expenses, room and board, computer with video editing capabilities, and filming gear.  I plan to leave for this 6-week adventure the end of September, 2016.

If you want to learn more about Anansi’s mission and organization, the website is: www.anansieducation.org.  If you’d like to financially support me, you may do so here.  Any and all support toward this goal is much appreciated.  Please note, if you’d like a copy of my documentary film project upon completion, I will be very glad to provide a copy.

So that I remain connected to the support of friends and family, you are invited to my blog for ongoing updates of this adventure here: www.emveetravels.wordpress.com.

If donations exceed my budget, additional funds will be set aside to further support this mission.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to get in touch with me directly.  Thank you for your time, your prayer, and your financial support.



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    • $50 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
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    • $250 (Offline)
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  • Anonym
    • $250 (Offline)
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  • Anonym
    • $1,500 (Offline)
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    • $600 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs


Megan Galley
Bellingham, WA

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