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Help make our dreams come true

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Matthew and I have had a storybook romance. We fell in love in high school and like many high school romances, we drifted apart. We reconnected over 10 years later to find the spark and magic was still there! Our love has truly stood the test of time. Now our lives are being tested once more.

We decided that we would enjoy our first year together as a married couple and then start our family. We had it all planned out, 2 kids by the time I was 38. Keep them close in age but far enough apart to enjoy them growing up. Well apparently we dreamed a little too big. After a year of charting, temping, stressing and blood work:we had nothing to show for it. Not one missed period, just many pregnancy tests all reminding us "hey, you're still not pregnant". So we changed doctors and started speaking with reproductive & fertility specialists. Through them we finally had a plan of action and the tests began. We both went through extensive testing we realized that my Fallopian tubes were blocked and had to be surgically removed. With no tubes, we had 0% chance to conceive a child naturally and IVF was our only option.

We left the doctors office that day heartbroken. This was our biggest fear, the cost we knew was something that we could not afford on our own and in that moment I thought we would never be able to have the family that we dreamed of. But thankfully I married the right man, who never gives up on my happiness. We talked it out and looked at all our options for making this affordable. We have been unsuccessful in applying for loans and I feel that perhaps with a little help from our friends and family, one day we will be able to have our miracle.

Matthew and I have gone back and forth discussing if it was a "good idea" to post this information online and let the world into this personal and difficult journey we've been on. There are pros and cons that always come up. For starters, there is no guarantee for success. This procedure might not work. In addition, many people in our lives will be shocked to hear this has been going on. We hope this will not change the way they treat us and that they will feel comfortable talking about this with us. We must prepare ourselves for the questions and comments that will come, many of which we have dodged by facing these difficulties with only a few close friends, coworkers and family members. All that to say, we CANNOT do this without you. The deeper we get into this, the harder it is to pretend like life is great. If we say no to dinner invites to save money, we want you to know why we are saving money. If my attitude is awful and I look sleep deprived, I want you to know it's the side effects of my fertility medicine. However, after much thought and prayer, we know the pros outweigh the cons. Sharing our story with you, could result in two things. With your help, we could become pregnant and have a child! I think I have to repeat that because that thought in itself is overwhelming for us. We could have a child! :) And secondly, if there are any couples reading this that are facing the challenges of infertility, we hope this gives them the courage to speak up, to reach out, to fight! Overall, this is a scary thing for us to admit and if there are others dealing with this too, we'd love to hear from you! If our story can help one other couple, we will have found our purpose in all of this.

Other Ways You Can Help

Finances are just one part of this journey. There will be good days and bad days, stress free days and days full of anxiety. We ask that you keep us in your prayers, support us, check on us. Share this site with your friends who may feel led to donate or those you know who are struggling with infertility. Although the outcome is uncertain and the journey may be difficult, we are inviting our friends, family, and those who feel to support us to help our dream come true.



  • Dondra Coniglio
    • $10 
    • 9 yrs
  • Nell
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • BTJ
    • $500 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Jay & Carrie
    • $200 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Sweet & Generous Friend
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs


Angel Smith
Jessup, MD

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