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Help my Family Purchase a Home

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My children and I have been struggling to purchase our first home for 7+ years now. We have bounced from apartment to apartment due to rent increases. This means my kids have moved a total 8 times in ten years. We feel like we never really get to settle down together and just be a family. Its especially hard on my daughter, Zahara is 12. She suffers from severe anxiety and would love nothing more than her own room where she can relax. I want to give this to her and have been struggling to save as much as I can for the last 5+ years.  But medical issues keep hindering my ability to provide this most basic comfort to my kids.

 To make matters harder on them we've had to take our family dog, Bella, away. Our apartements approved her to live there and we added her to our lease. Then last year they decided to add a weight limit on animals. None over 35 lbs. Bella, being a great pyanees exceeded that limit. They gave us 72 hours to get her out. My kids were and are devasted over this. We all raised Bella from a baby and she doesn't know anyone else. We had to send her to live with a family member of mine (5 hours away) for the time being. She is very depressed as is the whole family. We can't get our baby back until we have a yard to put her in. Shes not thriving being away from the kids and my family memeber told me she looks for them constantly. 

Whenever my savings gets going a bit something happens. The first was 3 1/2 years ago when my son, Liam 11, had a serious seizure. The doctors couldn't figure out what was causing it, but it was constant focal seizures in his hands and arms. We ended up having to travel to Seattle Childrens Hospital before he became more serious (at the time we lived 4 hours away). Needless to say the car rental, gas, 7 day long stay at the hospital, co pays and hotel ate up our savings and put us in the negative.  He went on medication and has not had an episode since then.  I pray daily that he does not have any more seizures because if he does the doctors would have to start looking at rasmussen syndrome. He also suffers from ADD and is slightly Autistic. He does need continued monitered testing from Seattle Childrens so we decided to move to the Seattle area. We had to sell our vehicle and use all of our savings in order to relocate in time for his appointments.

After that and trying to keep up on the medical bills and still put away for our first family home, complications with our used car arose. Long story short it was cheaper to finance a different used car than fix the one we had. Savings was gone again and they monthly payments were too much to even put a decent meal on the table.

A year later my four year old broke his arm while playing and there was another trip to seattle childrens, surgery and another big hit to our finances.
My son Liam (11) and my daughter Zahara (12) came to me after the surgery and handed me their allowance and asked me if it was enough to buy a house yet. It hurt when I had to tell them it wasn't enough. 

The way it looks now, unless we can get a some help financially we will not own a home before our kids are grown. The down payment and closing costs are so high now and its looking more bleek with each passing week.  

It would be such a blessing to give my children a solid place to live.  Not worry about rent increases or last minute lease changes. To be able to offer them somewhere stable, where they can come home and have a hot meal and do their homework in something they know will always be there. They could play in the yard and have their own rooms. We don't want anything big or extravagant, just a roof to call our own. I want this so badly for my children. And I hate the thought of my 4 year old having to adapt to constant moving around. 

My kids are so patient and so loving. Despite my daughters crushing anxiety and need for weekly counsling, all she wants to in life is save animals and grow up to be a vet. She wants to work for free "so everyone can have their pet healed and not worry about the cost". She also decided to save animals by becoming vegetarian (excluding eggs and honey as well).

My oldest son wants to grow up to work at Seattle Childrens and save all the kids who go there. He too wants to work for free "so the moms and dads don't have to be sad".

They deserve so much and I feel like giving them a house and back yard to play in is the least I can do. But I need help to give this to them. 

Currently we are all crammed into a small 2 bedroom apartment now. I (Their mom) work nights as best I can. I suffer from a pulmiary embilis (Due to miscarriage)so moving around is difficult for my breathing. My husband is also working, days and going to college full time. He has a very bad back that, when it flares up he ends up needing to be moved by paramedics into a wheel chair until his physical therepy can work the pain back to tolerable.

Our monthly rent currently is 35% higher than our monthly mortgage would be, 

The money raised here would go to the downpayment and closing costs  for a house for my three children and us. I plan to combine whats made here with whatever I can put away myself and when I have enough to cover the downpayment I will take this down. We would be so thankful and so grateful for any amount given to my family.  A home is such a precious thing. Even if you can't donate please share the link to this page. 

We will put the names of all of the Donors on the fence posts around our new home. So we can always remember those kind hearted individuals who helped my family's dream of owning our First home come true!

We are trying to reach our goal by January 2020. This way we can suprise the kids with a house and getting our Bella back for the new year.



  • Anonym
    • $13 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $500 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $500 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $15 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Jasmin Gallana
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Nichole Schlenker
Kennewick, WA

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