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I mentor kids who live in the projects of South Central LA every weekend. I've been at it for going on four years and have watched these babies grow up, including three brothers now age 7, 8, and 11. Their mother is entirely uninvolved and not in the picture, and daddy is AWESOME and raises all three of them while also caring for their wheelchair-bound grandmother. A few months ago I drove up to the projects and my friend ran up to me while running to his car and just started saying "Chad- dead- he's dead- they took the kids. His body's on the floor. The kids are at the police station"

Short story- the boys' father was also the coach of their T-Ball league. He was on his way with the boys to practice but there was LIGHT rain, so he cancelled last minute and took them home. His brother (the boys' uncle) had been coming around the house lately and he was real bad news- selling drugs, gang banging, etc. Chad (dad) caught him at the house again mooching off their ill mother and bringing drugs into the house and he confronted him, and told him he had to leave and wasn't welcome there or around his boys. His brother stabbed him to death- right in front of all three boys. The boys were taken straight into protective custody. The funeral was a week later and the boys were temporarily placed with their aunt. This was NOT a stereotypical black-on-black criminal rivalry murder. Chad was a GOOD GUY who committed his entire life to doing good and raising his three babies by himself.

Where we are at now and the desperate help we need: This situation got bad. We started driving over to spend time with the boys as often as possible and it is ASTONISHING how they've healed. They still talk about their daddy, but the three of them are GOOD, loving, behaved, eloquent, straight-A students despite their circumstances and surroundings. They've been staying with their aunt, but she lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and the boys sleep on futons on the living room floor. She got ZERO assistance from the state for months because they were "still processing" the kids. Now, our friend Edna went to court with the boys and the judge ruled that unless the aunt can move out by August into a bigger place AND separate from her husband (because he has a DUI. Seriously.) then the boys will be split up into different foster care systems. They aren't offering her ANY financial assistance until after she finds a place and moves.

The boys said that if they get split up from each other, they'll kill themselves.

There's one more HUGE issue here. The uncle was taken into custody right after the murder. He got a lawyer and WAS RELEASED WEEKS AGO because he claimed it was self defense (LIE). Chad is dead and cannot testify for himself, and the court refused to let the boys testify due to emotional trauma. The boys are TERRIFIED of being anywhere near him. They want to stay with their aunt and their aunt only, and feel that only she can protect them.

She has to move into a 3bdrm minimum in LA. I do not have financial assistance to offer her at this moment. We're all hopeful for the sake of our boys. The aunt agreed to separate from her husband if it meant keeping the kids, and we have help finding a place. Whatever money is donated will go STRAIGHT to the boys and to rent for new housing! There isn't an actual "goal" in mind, as anything helps. I just put the number at random.

We feel that we need to save our boys. We refuse to let them deal with anything more than they have and we can't give up. We all have a chance now to save these boys from a life we hear about but don't actually have to go through. I hope to have the strength they do to dance and laugh even after something this terrible.

Where the money is going: As said before, there isn't an actual "goal" because anything helps and ALL funds will be going to the monthly rent and security deposit of a new place. I only put 18k at random as it's 12x $1500 which was was auntie was originally hoping to find for a budget, if possible in LA with short notice. We're now looking at different housing and placement options to see if anything can help as far as rent amount. If there is money "leftover", it would go DIRECTLY in a fund for the boys. Right now when they need school shoes, clothes, and even medical attention, Edna and I and some of our other friends have just been paying out of pocket. Last time they got new shoes, it wasn't until theirs were actually broken from the bottoms. Auntie cried because they're little and ask for foods like cereal in the morning but she can't afford it. In addition, the 8yr old has a slew of medical conditions (very bad eczema on his entire body, a recovering hernia, and severe scoliosis) and auntie still has to pay out of pocket for the medical visits and medicines. The state gave her something like 200$ for only TWO of the kids not all three, because they were "still processing" them into the state. I am happy to figure out a way to keep track of your donations and provide you with exact information on where the money went, as requested! 

I'm thanking you, from the bottom of my heart, for the love and support we've gotten this far!

UPDATE! Thank you so much for the overwhelming love and support you've all given our boys! They are thriving, and we will now be withdrawing donations to put towards their living expenses. Jessica Anderson, a good friend of the family, will be receiving the funds on behalf of the boys in order to distribute it to necessary living and health expenses. We will continue to post updates and welcome and questions! Much love!


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    • $10 
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jenny Umayam Hermogino Pasqualetto
Los Angeles, CA
Jessica Anderson

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