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Malawi Africa Missions Trip

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Dear Family and Friends,

This February ( yes, you heard it...FEBRUARY 18- MARCH 7 2018!) I am hoping to travel to Malawi, Africa on a mission trip with Coast Hills Community Church. We are partnering with PB+J (Peanut Butter + Jesus) in an effort to bring hope to those children who suffer from SAM “severe acute malnutrition”. For 15 days we will be working alongside our Malawian brothers and sister in the PB+J program, outreach health clinics, sporting events, evangelism, and helping in the Nkhoma hospital.

My heart has always been for children, and I have always had the desire to serve on a medicle missions trip. I pray this will be a great opportunity for me not only to serve the Lord on this trip,  but also to see if missions is something I would want to do long term. I have been praying about going back to school for the medical assistant program in hopes of serving overseas as a medical assistant missionary some day.

I have been praying about this trip for some time now, and I feel like the Lord has been leading me to step out in faith and trust that He will provide the means and financial support for me to be apart of this trip.

My trip is being funded entirely through donations, which is where I need your help. I need to raise a minimum of $1,300 by THIS coming Monday (January 15). I know that this seems impossible but we serve a BIG God who works in BIG ways!
The remainder of the cost is due February 5th. If you are able to sponsor me financially in any way, I would be incredibly grateful. Whether it is $5 or $100, any
amount will be helpful and much appreciated. Please feel free to donate through GO FUND ME or if you would like to write me a check and have it be tax deductable please make the check out to the following: 
(To keep tax deductible status…do not put my name anywhere on the check.)

Checks should be made payable to:
Coast Hills Community Church
With the MEMO “PB + J Malawi”
All payments can be sent to:
Elizabeth Runge
2975 S. Fairview St. UNIT E 
Santa Ana, CA 92704

Not only will I be needing finacial support, but most importantly your prayers. Here are just a few ways you can be praying for my team:
- We will be going during the rainy season so that means lots of mosquitos so pray for good health!
- Travel mercies
- That we would be a light to the families and children that we will be ministering to
- That we will be guided by the Holy Spirit in all we do
- That we will be willing and ready to serve in any way the Lord leads

 This is an opportunity of a lifetime and I know this will be a life changing experience. I am so blessed to have been given this opportunity and am so excited to be a part of it. Please keep the rest of the team and I in your prayers as we “GO“ and serve “the least
of these”. Thank you again for helping make this trip possible!
I look forward to sharing my story and photos when I return!

Love…in Jesus Name,

Elizabeth Runge
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  • Anónimo
    • $312 
    • 6 yrs
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $50 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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Elizabeth Runge
Santa Ana, CA

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