While my was is in the ICU at desert Valley Hospital she had become very ill..The first night the Dr. said to me "I doubt think she will make the night". She had a very bad respatory infection..she was placed on a vent and pace in a medical induced coma. ..she was in ICU for 6 weeks then moves to differ part of hospital for additional 4 weeks...darning that time I took her wedding rings and engagement rings so they would be lost. I placed them on a sliver necklace with my wedding bad keeping them with me close to my heart..I had gone shopping when I got home I realized they were gone...I didn't have heart to tell my wife if 3 1/2 years that our rings were gone. I made police report they said there not much they can do...a friend said you might lost the rings but least you didn't lose your wife...I never asked for hand outs ever but I just moved to high desert area and have not found work...I real dont know what else say but thank you foe listening to my story...God bless