John Garcia vs Medallion Homes
Donation protected
Do you know what Toxin is under your new home?
Got Cancer? Its not your fault! My name is John Garcia, I need your help & time is critical. Sarasota is my home, I have spent the last 5 years fighting to keep toxins out of Sarasota homes, speaking for many neighbors. Medallion Homes v. John Garcia Sarasota 12th Judicial Circuit Court:
CaseNo. 2017-CA-003710 NC. Carlos Beruff is suing because I disagreed with building on the old Proctor Road Landfill property, without deep underground chemical testing of lots. Many of us have joined together & fought this battle with Sarasota County. My loud & legal objections to building homes, on known toxic property, got my family a $1 Million dollar lawsuit, filed by the Developer Carlos Beruff, Medallion Homes. He is using your legal system to intimidate all of us oposed to this project. You may know someone with cancer, caused by toxins, they never knew that they were exposed to. Funds collected will go towards securing the best attorney to assist me in fighting this frivolous lawsuit, that is attempting to silence me, and is an abuse of process, as i fight for the well being of my neighbors, community, and all neighborhoods negatively impacted by bad building and rezoning practices. Your voices must be heard, your neighborhoods are yours - not a developers experiment! Please donate to help me defend this unfair lawsuit, and bring light to the corruption in Florida re-zoning.
Remember Bayshore High School, Bradenton, Underground Cancer. Too many students sick and now dead from cancer, 10+ years later. No one did adaquate underground chemical testing prior to building the high school, now new reports debate doing those tests now. You can help save lives, help stop stupid building without doing logical underground testing.
In 1975 A Golf Course was built on top of a toxic County Landfill, thus containing the underground toxins. Then in 2006, 188 acres were sold with claims of enviromental contamination. Now the developer is suing me, as I am the messenger of facts about the property. Without free speech, we are all in the dark & doomed to no oversite.
John Garcia:
Please tweet and send copies to anyone who can help!
Cancer Sucks ! My deceased father got prostate cancer and my mom had breast cancer, no one told them they were living on top of toxic sludge that would eventually kill them. Why should anyone inform you? Why do you deserve to know what is under your home? When you go into debt and put your savings down on a home you would expect it to be safe. 3 family members living nearby, Jaimie Popielinski and horse Pixie, lived minutes west of the landfill toxins, soon to be home lots. They did not know the toxins were present father, daughter, horse all died of cancer.
My Best Friends Gone, John Garcia let his beloved dog Cobalt, run and play, on the overgrown golf course property, she died of environmental cancer. When developers wanted to put homes on the site, John Garcia, presented facts & evidence and gave testimony to Sarasota County Commissioner, health offices, and many government agencies, this temporarily stopped the rezoning. County Commissioners knew the reason the property was made a golf course! Hooray Sarasota County Commission!!
Corruption at the core. Fast forward 2 years, to mega builder Medallion Home & Carlos Beruff who invests in the toxic property manages to rezone it for 200+ homes
John Garcia offered to pay and perform underground chemical testing for piece of mind, this resulted in an email from an attorney & someone sending the police to his home with trespass warrants for him and his family. He was not to perform any underground testing, or would be prosecuted. The Sarasota Planning Commission meeting for this rezone started at 11:30PM and ends at 1:00AM attended by residents, how does that happen, a public meeting of such importants, ending at 1 in the morning?
Horrible shame you may be unaware of toxins that are in or under your home, but when it is preventable, that is a travesty. I want to prevent cancer, make the government agencies get the facts and act on good information.
Medallion Home and Meritage Home are set to gross millions if they can get buyers for these home sites . We want to trust Medallion Home, we want to trust Meritage Homes. I spent thousands of hours, spoke to the Sarasota Planning Commission, Sarasota County Commissioners, FDEP, Health Department, EPA and a host of other government agencies that are supposed to act in your interest to protect you "The Home Buying Public" . Carlos Beruff wants to make it personal, so he can sue me and shut me down.
I felt it my public duty to speak out, I had nothing to gain, only the memory of my dog, the memory of family and friends who lived with and/or died from cancer. One lady was going to Moffit cancer center for treatment of environmental cancer, Moffit said 80% of today's cancers are from things in the environment (like landfill toxins under homes). A child raising her pet horse lived just minutes downstream from this landfill - the horse Pixie, the child Jamie, and her father, all died of cancer in a short span of time. I could not ignore the facts, I had to speak to the authorities, so I told Tom Higginbotham, toxicologist at Sarasota Environmental health, I begged Randy Merchant from the Department of Health, I pleaded with Jon Inglehart of FDEP, I scolded the Sarasota Board of Commissioners in Public Speak . The list is large, but not larger than the profits of putting homes on this property - I tried for the unborn children, pets, moms, and dads who will get cancer 10 years from now. I hate that people may say "Bad Luck", when it is actually "Bad Planning, Bad Building, or poor underground testing".
I spent over 5 years of my life trying to help people that I will never know, when they get sick and say "Why Me?", someone will know it could have been prevented.
Why did i make this GoFundMe.com/Sarasota ? - I believe the developers are now selling homes, I was an inconvenience, so they made up a lawsuit and sued me for $1,000,000.00 dollars. They did shut me up.
Help me defend this action, we can shed facts to government regulators, regarding the need and value in underground testing; Lomski Engineering and Ardaman & Associates will not willingly give me or the court these facts, showing chromium, cadmium, lead, mercury and a host of previously found underground toxins.
Toxins Previously Located:
1. Ardaman & Associates, Inc
Cadmium, Chromium, Chloroform, Benzene, Bromo-Dichlormethane, Petroleum Contamination, Acetone, Carbon Disulfide, Chlorobenzene, 1,4-Dichlorobenzene and 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, Lead
2. Sarasota County Tests
TKN, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Iron in surface of ditches
3. Sarasota County Tests
Mercury, Lead, Methyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether, Ammonia
EAC Project No 96-1270 July 1996
"Excessively Contaminated soil"
4. EAC Project No 96-1270 Ground Water
Lead 50.8 ug/l, Napthalenes 110.47 ug/l, Benzene 12.1 ug/l
5. EAC
Lead, cadmium, chromium, chloroform, benzene, bromo-dichlormethane exceed DEP Standards
6. Sarasota County Pollution Control Mr.Ryan
Iron Bacteria in ditch, Trash emerges through golf course grass
7. DEP Warns Sarasota County
DEP warns County Administrator Jim Ley to clean up landfill
8. FGC
The consultant collected ground water samples from eight Geoprobe borings installed in the former 70-acre and 20-acre landfills. Benzene, mercury, arsenic, chromium, and lead were measured in some of the samples at concentrations higher than State Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels (GCTLs).
9. Lomski
Recommends that the client obtain professional legal counsel that is well versed in environmental issues such as this one as to the overall environmental condition of the site. Pockets of environmentally sensitive chemicals may exist underground.
Be concerned about underground toxins and public health, tell them it is Not OK to put homes above toxins and not warn buyers. Please donate anything you can, any amounts remaining will be donated to cancer victims, do not let this happen.
I am asking for, and grateful for your help now.
Thank you, Please donate here, Share, click Facebook
John Garcia
PO Box 3281
Sarasota, Florida 34230-3281
Got Cancer? Its not your fault! My name is John Garcia, I need your help & time is critical. Sarasota is my home, I have spent the last 5 years fighting to keep toxins out of Sarasota homes, speaking for many neighbors. Medallion Homes v. John Garcia Sarasota 12th Judicial Circuit Court:
CaseNo. 2017-CA-003710 NC. Carlos Beruff is suing because I disagreed with building on the old Proctor Road Landfill property, without deep underground chemical testing of lots. Many of us have joined together & fought this battle with Sarasota County. My loud & legal objections to building homes, on known toxic property, got my family a $1 Million dollar lawsuit, filed by the Developer Carlos Beruff, Medallion Homes. He is using your legal system to intimidate all of us oposed to this project. You may know someone with cancer, caused by toxins, they never knew that they were exposed to. Funds collected will go towards securing the best attorney to assist me in fighting this frivolous lawsuit, that is attempting to silence me, and is an abuse of process, as i fight for the well being of my neighbors, community, and all neighborhoods negatively impacted by bad building and rezoning practices. Your voices must be heard, your neighborhoods are yours - not a developers experiment! Please donate to help me defend this unfair lawsuit, and bring light to the corruption in Florida re-zoning.
Remember Bayshore High School, Bradenton, Underground Cancer. Too many students sick and now dead from cancer, 10+ years later. No one did adaquate underground chemical testing prior to building the high school, now new reports debate doing those tests now. You can help save lives, help stop stupid building without doing logical underground testing.
In 1975 A Golf Course was built on top of a toxic County Landfill, thus containing the underground toxins. Then in 2006, 188 acres were sold with claims of enviromental contamination. Now the developer is suing me, as I am the messenger of facts about the property. Without free speech, we are all in the dark & doomed to no oversite.
John Garcia:
Please tweet and send copies to anyone who can help!
Cancer Sucks ! My deceased father got prostate cancer and my mom had breast cancer, no one told them they were living on top of toxic sludge that would eventually kill them. Why should anyone inform you? Why do you deserve to know what is under your home? When you go into debt and put your savings down on a home you would expect it to be safe. 3 family members living nearby, Jaimie Popielinski and horse Pixie, lived minutes west of the landfill toxins, soon to be home lots. They did not know the toxins were present father, daughter, horse all died of cancer.
My Best Friends Gone, John Garcia let his beloved dog Cobalt, run and play, on the overgrown golf course property, she died of environmental cancer. When developers wanted to put homes on the site, John Garcia, presented facts & evidence and gave testimony to Sarasota County Commissioner, health offices, and many government agencies, this temporarily stopped the rezoning. County Commissioners knew the reason the property was made a golf course! Hooray Sarasota County Commission!!
Corruption at the core. Fast forward 2 years, to mega builder Medallion Home & Carlos Beruff who invests in the toxic property manages to rezone it for 200+ homes
John Garcia offered to pay and perform underground chemical testing for piece of mind, this resulted in an email from an attorney & someone sending the police to his home with trespass warrants for him and his family. He was not to perform any underground testing, or would be prosecuted. The Sarasota Planning Commission meeting for this rezone started at 11:30PM and ends at 1:00AM attended by residents, how does that happen, a public meeting of such importants, ending at 1 in the morning?
Horrible shame you may be unaware of toxins that are in or under your home, but when it is preventable, that is a travesty. I want to prevent cancer, make the government agencies get the facts and act on good information.
Medallion Home and Meritage Home are set to gross millions if they can get buyers for these home sites . We want to trust Medallion Home, we want to trust Meritage Homes. I spent thousands of hours, spoke to the Sarasota Planning Commission, Sarasota County Commissioners, FDEP, Health Department, EPA and a host of other government agencies that are supposed to act in your interest to protect you "The Home Buying Public" . Carlos Beruff wants to make it personal, so he can sue me and shut me down.
I felt it my public duty to speak out, I had nothing to gain, only the memory of my dog, the memory of family and friends who lived with and/or died from cancer. One lady was going to Moffit cancer center for treatment of environmental cancer, Moffit said 80% of today's cancers are from things in the environment (like landfill toxins under homes). A child raising her pet horse lived just minutes downstream from this landfill - the horse Pixie, the child Jamie, and her father, all died of cancer in a short span of time. I could not ignore the facts, I had to speak to the authorities, so I told Tom Higginbotham, toxicologist at Sarasota Environmental health, I begged Randy Merchant from the Department of Health, I pleaded with Jon Inglehart of FDEP, I scolded the Sarasota Board of Commissioners in Public Speak . The list is large, but not larger than the profits of putting homes on this property - I tried for the unborn children, pets, moms, and dads who will get cancer 10 years from now. I hate that people may say "Bad Luck", when it is actually "Bad Planning, Bad Building, or poor underground testing".
I spent over 5 years of my life trying to help people that I will never know, when they get sick and say "Why Me?", someone will know it could have been prevented.
Why did i make this GoFundMe.com/Sarasota ? - I believe the developers are now selling homes, I was an inconvenience, so they made up a lawsuit and sued me for $1,000,000.00 dollars. They did shut me up.
Help me defend this action, we can shed facts to government regulators, regarding the need and value in underground testing; Lomski Engineering and Ardaman & Associates will not willingly give me or the court these facts, showing chromium, cadmium, lead, mercury and a host of previously found underground toxins.
Toxins Previously Located:
1. Ardaman & Associates, Inc
Cadmium, Chromium, Chloroform, Benzene, Bromo-Dichlormethane, Petroleum Contamination, Acetone, Carbon Disulfide, Chlorobenzene, 1,4-Dichlorobenzene and 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, Lead
2. Sarasota County Tests
TKN, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Iron in surface of ditches
3. Sarasota County Tests
Mercury, Lead, Methyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether, Ammonia
EAC Project No 96-1270 July 1996
"Excessively Contaminated soil"
4. EAC Project No 96-1270 Ground Water
Lead 50.8 ug/l, Napthalenes 110.47 ug/l, Benzene 12.1 ug/l
5. EAC
Lead, cadmium, chromium, chloroform, benzene, bromo-dichlormethane exceed DEP Standards
6. Sarasota County Pollution Control Mr.Ryan
Iron Bacteria in ditch, Trash emerges through golf course grass
7. DEP Warns Sarasota County
DEP warns County Administrator Jim Ley to clean up landfill
8. FGC
The consultant collected ground water samples from eight Geoprobe borings installed in the former 70-acre and 20-acre landfills. Benzene, mercury, arsenic, chromium, and lead were measured in some of the samples at concentrations higher than State Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels (GCTLs).
9. Lomski
Recommends that the client obtain professional legal counsel that is well versed in environmental issues such as this one as to the overall environmental condition of the site. Pockets of environmentally sensitive chemicals may exist underground.
Be concerned about underground toxins and public health, tell them it is Not OK to put homes above toxins and not warn buyers. Please donate anything you can, any amounts remaining will be donated to cancer victims, do not let this happen.
I am asking for, and grateful for your help now.
Thank you, Please donate here, Share, click Facebook
John Garcia
PO Box 3281
Sarasota, Florida 34230-3281
John Smoke
Sarasota, FL