Photo principale de la cagnotte


Don protégé
On Saturday, June 27th, Dorothy McGowan was mauled by a dog. She was taken to the small community hospital and then transported to Cook Children's hospital in Fort Worth for more specialized care. Sweet Dorothy (Doofy, as her parents and friends affectionately call her), has handled all the pain with bravery and concern for her loving parents, who are distraught over this incident. As you know, medical expenses can be astronomical, especially when any transporting to a higher care facility. Dorothy's recovery is going to be a long road and may require further procedures. Please help this precious girl and her loving parents! Any amount is appreciated and will ease the financial stress of this terrible situation and allow them to focus on caring for their daughter!
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  • Anonyme
    • $1,000 
    • 9 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Hilary Moore
Stephenville, TX
Erik McGowan

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