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Walking by Faith-Good Bye Cancer!!

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Dear Friends and Family,

As many of you know, I am in the midst of a very difficult battle. I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer on June 4 of this year. The unexpected news was devastating. A visit to the emergency room at Beaumont Hospital has forever altered my life.

My initial Oncologist consultation confirmed the diagnosis and my worst fears. The cancer had metastasized and spread to various parts of my abdominal region. In addition the Oncologist drew a hard line and recommended chemotherapy, surgery and additional chemotherapy. A second opinion with a renowned surgeon in Ann Arbor drew the same conclusion and the same hard line. In fact, he said he would not perform surgery without chemotherapy because it would be a “waste of time.”

Those of you who know me, know I have very strong thoughts on the downside and detriment of chemotherapy. I believe that while it may have some benefit, it also destroys productive healthy cells in your body and there is firm medical evidence to substantiate this. In addition, during my first bout with cancer in 2001, I took chemotherapy and it permanently damaged my heart. So I’m not willing to subject myself to this again.

I was at a crossroad and went to the only source I know that can help – God. God was, is, and shall remain the source of my strength. After praying and fasting, I decided to seek alternative measures of treatment. My husband supported me in this decision and we began to research doctors, medicines, foods and healing plans.
I was taken off work in June and received my last pay in July. Since that time the Grace of God has sustained our family as I focus on fighting this horrible disease. Though it has not been easy, I am extremely grateful that we continue to weather this storm.

I have been very fortunate to have encountered a Naturopathic Oncologist in Ann Arbor who is leading my medical team. He has been extremely helpful in directing my care in an alternative fashion. He has prescribed 4 medications and recommended several supplements that are designed to shrink the cancer cells and create an environment where cancer cells can’t grow within my body. I currently take 18 pills daily and self inject a medication 2x per week. One of my biggest challenges at this point has been something called Ascites which is a fluid buildup in my abdomen which is common for this type of cancer. The Ascites is very painful and at times limits my ability to eat all the food necessary for the proper nutrients to help combat the disease. It has led to significant weight loss and makes it difficult to breathe, walk and rest properly. I currently have the fluid from the Ascites drained 2x a week and have had up to 5.5 liters drained in one procedure.

Another significant challenge I face currently is the fact that most of the medication I currently take is not covered by my insurance. The monthly out of pocket expense is very significant and because I’m not working it can be overwhelming.

I want to thank each and every person who has prayed for me and my family, text me, called me, sent cards and flowers. Your support means more than I can ever express with words. I thank God for each of you and we are praying for you and your families as well.

Despite the many challenges this disease brings, I thank God every day that I’m still here and I will continue to fight with every fiber of my being until I beat cancer once and for all.

So many have asked what you can do to help. I would ask that you continue to pray because I believe God is going to heal me. Also if you are in a position to assist financially, I would greatly appreciate the assistance to help with the expense of the medications, medical bills and an upcoming medical procedure to address the ascites where I will be hospitalized for up to 2 weeks.
At this time, I also want to thank you for all your love, prayers and support. Honestly, I don’t know where I would be without it. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Lastly, I would ask that you pray and if God places it on your heart to assist me in my fight please do so, I am grateful for your sacrifice.
I thank you in advance for your help and pray God continues to bless you. I love you and look forward to sharing a praise report with you soon.



  • Leonard Wright
    • $120 
    • 8 yrs


Keisha Bowman Williamson
Farmington Hills, MI

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