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Help Save Savannah

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Hello everyone, I'm rewritting this on behalf of my sister Savannah. As you can probably guess she's on a variety of different medications right now which unfortunately are all necessary. When you add the fact that physically moving her hand is a challenge in of itself you can see why many critical details were left out. I feel like it underplayed the severity of her situation quite a bit and I know she doesn't want to seem like she's fishing for people's pity/doesn't want people to worry about her too much, but honestly she legitimately needs it. She is a student with only one semester left before she graduates I've watched her push herself for the last few years to meet this goal as quickly as she can and with it being so close anything that would risk losing all that effort would be nothing short of devastating. She devotes so much time to school since that has been her first priority that she doesn't have money saved and like most students is scraping by paycheck to paycheck which makes her situation that much more of a crisis. On 8/17 she suffered a horrific accident and fell 3-4 stories through the balcony of an old building, leaving her severely injured. She broke both of her arms, her ribs, pelvis, each of her legs one of which was completely shattered internally and required major reconstructive surgery, and her spine. She underwent 3 back to back emergency surgeries which took the better part of two days, has needed three blood transfusions and will require more surgeries to remove the metal plates/rods/screws that have been implanted throughout her body. Finding the right combination of medications has been its own battle of trial and error. She is on narcotic pain meds for her broken bones, meds for nerve pain because she also has nerve damage in one of her arm, muscle relaxers and digestive and sleep aids. My sister is a small human who normally hates things that sedate her to the point of being incoherent and the stress of being in the ICU/amount of and combination of meds had a very negative impact on her mental state which triggered post operative delerium, which is considered an emergency in of itself and has it's own risks of long-term side effects. Luckily they have since reduced some of the meds and seem to have found a combo that's working well, but now she's understanding the full extent of her injuries. Doctor's are estimating it'll be until at least the end of October before she can walk partially and will likely be largely reliant on a wheelchair for some time after. If you know my sister you know how ambitiously adventurous her way of doing lif is, laying in bed all day is so atypical to her natural rhythm and goes against her core characteristics, it's hard seeing her like this, i can't even imagine how taxing this experience is/has been for her soul . She had just gotten a new job ironically at the U, and with it being a new job has no PTO to cover her absence. Once her bones have healed a bit more she will need 12 weeks of physical therapy, although the doctors are recommending she stay at a rehab facility during that time, and as I'm sure you've probably already guessed, the high level of care necessary for her to be able to live a mobile, independent life has an even higher cost to it and there's just no way she can manage this on her own. Right now she needs to focus on her healing because she's has a very long, difficult road to recovery ahead and everyone knows how toxic stress can be for the body. The road to recovery is a long one and there's no getting around that, but anything we can do to make the road a little less bumpy will go a long way towards aiding in her healing journey. Anything helps even just sharing the campaign and we are incredibly grateful for the donations she's received thus far, it seriously means the world and makes all the difference so thank you!!!


  • Anonym
    • $50 
    • 2 yrs
  • Maggie Florio
    • $10 
    • 2 yrs
  • Stanley Schwarz
    • $100 
    • 2 yrs
  • Erin Hillerman
    • $30 
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 2 yrs


Sierra Haskay
Salt Lake City, UT

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