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Everest Base Camp For Fertility Network UK

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Rob Meredith is organizing this fundraiser to benefit FERTILITY NETWORK UK.  

Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit FERTILITY NETWORK UK by taking on Everest (or at least two thirds of it) with a group of guys just like me. Men struggling with infertility and who have benefited from the support provided by this amazing charity and want to give something back. 

Nothing is more heart-breaking than when you try your hardest and it still isn’t enough…..

In 2016 me and my wife were very excited to start a family. 12 months later we understood that, due to male factor infertility, this wasn’t going to happen without fertility treatment.  We felt pretty positive, “our only trouble was having enough sperm available to get to the egg. IVF was the miracle cure that would sort this problem out and we’d get pregnant first time, right?”.

From the start I have been very open in discussing my infertility with friends, relatives and even colleagues as I’ve always felt that talking a problem out is the best way of coping, but the years have ticked away and as the unsuccessful rounds of IVF have piled up, my mental health has suffered.

At a low point in June 2020 I found a male fertility support group. A male only group where I could converse with people going through exactly the same experience as me. Just the knowledge that I was not alone and that there were others who understood the emotions I was feeling was a massive help.

We decided to try to raise some money for Fertility Network UK and try to break down some of the stigma associated with male infertility and what better symbol of overcoming our struggle than for a group of infertile men to climb 5300m to Everest Base Camp, plus the cold mountain air has got to help keep the ‘swimmers’ cool!

We’re taking on this challenge in March 2022, so we’ve got plenty of time to prepare and raise a sum of money equal to the challenge. Your support and generosity leading up the challenge will push us all on, through the foothills and into the thin air. I’ll be putting in a lot of money myself so your donations will be making a big difference for FNUK. And remember, tell your friends and lets help normalise conversations about male infertility.

More information about THE INFERTILITY NETWORK: Fertility Network UK provides free and impartial support, advice, information and understanding for anyone affected by fertility issues. We are a small charity working hard to help the 3.5 million people affected by the devastation and pain fertility issues wreak. We are the patient voice in the campaign for equitable access to NHS fertility treatment in the UK, based on medical need and not postcode. No other fertility organisation offers the range of services and support that we provide.


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    • £50 
    • 3 yrs

Spendenteam (2)

Rob Meredith
Katie Meredith
Team member

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