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Tiny Puppy Struggles for Life

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This innocent and sweet puppy was found sick as a "stray" by the shelter who called SCGRR for help.  He was listless, vomiting...diarrhea.  Left there another day would have been certain death.  Too little and sick to survive in a shelter environment.   We scooped him up and ran him to Animal Medical Center in LA. The parvo results at the shelter were negative but we retested and found he DID have parvo.  IV and fluids were started immediately.

This was a week ago and we've been hesitant to launch a campaign as it has been so touch and go - wracking up over $7k in bills in the first few days of triage with more coming in every day.  One day he'd eat only when hand fed, the other not at all.  We've been fearing the worst.  Our volunteers have been checking on him daily and paying visits when we can. 

Yesterday a volunteer described:  "He is improving slowly. He ate and kept the food down and no diarrhea which is good. I was able to hold him - what a sweet little guy. He got up and took a couple of steps but then laid down. He is still weak."

Today:  "He is eating & drinking on his own every hour. Keeping it down which is good. .. a good sign that his appetite is getting better. He is still on antibiotics and IV. It is still touch and go."

He will be monitored over the next several days to make sure there is continued progress.  As one who adopted a similar pup over 5 yrs ago barely back from the bring of Parvo death, I'm so glad SCGRR never gave up on him.  I can't imaging life without him - my heart dog.  I know PeeWee has the same potential and we never want medical costs to be the determining factor on treatment - only what is best for this tiny survivor.

Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, hope and support for PeeWee.  Let's bring him back from the brink!

Je contribue


  • Jan Bickel
    • $25 
    • 6 yrs
Je contribue


Liz Miller
Los Angeles, CA
Southern California Golden Retriever Rescue
Organisme à but non lucratif certifié
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