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McClures Adoption Fund

Spende geschützt

$30,000.00. That seems overwhelming, doesn't it? Here are a couple of numbers that help make that amount seem small.

That's the estimation of how many orphans there are in the world.

That's how many children die of starvation every year.

That's the estimation of children being trafficked for manual and/or sex labor.

$30,000.00 seemed like a lot when we were first looking into adoption. I was praying about it one day, and I had this thought... Why am I even considering being stressed about that? Besides the being obedient to God's calling on our life and trusting Him part, this is a human being we're talking about. A life. Someone that is vulnerable, lonely, afraid of the future, likely neglected, maybe hungry, hopeless. That puts things into perspective.

We know every single believer has a part to play in adoption. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world". The scripture here is talking about taking care of the overlooked, those who fall through the cracks, the vulnerable. I can't look in the eyes of my kids, thinking about how many sweet babies just like them are out in the world hungry, lonely, and scared, and do nothing. We can't just do nothing.

This is the something that God has called us to do... Your something may look different. Maybe God is not calling you to bring a child into your home, but maybe to help others that are. We are asking that you pray about coming alongside us financially to help bring baby McClure number three home. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and prayerfully consider financially supporting our adoption. We are so very thankful for you!

In love,

The McClure Family




  • Anonym
    • $200 
    • 8 yrs
  • T-shirt Fundraiser
    • $657 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
  • Veronica Benton
    • $10 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
  • Kelly Rucker
    • $20 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
  • Stevie Lawson
    • $10 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs


Ashtin Denise McClure
Goose Creek, SC

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