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the ability to assess and initiate things independently.
"use your initiative, imagination, and common sense"
synonyms: self-motivation, resourcefulness, inventiveness, imagination, ingenuity, originality, creativity, enterprise;

will offer opportunities to the youth as they look for alternative approaches to solve the problems that have plagued their communities for 30+ Years POST Crack Era & War on Drugs/War on Poverty. As a result of Numerous Policies that have failed generations of Young & Old. We have created an Initiative as a means to rectify an end to the madness that have inflcited us in Traumatic Ways.
We realize beyond a reasonable doubt if we address the undeniable state of dismay our communities are currently in then we are doomed to repeat the mistakes & mishaps of our forfathers & mothers. The Networks we have chosen to address deal with Nourishment, Creativity, Labor, Cultural Awareness, Security, Innovativeness, Health & Wellness & Shelter.
Currently our people globally are suffering from Poverty,Malnourishment,Homelessness,Miseducation,Lack Of Resources,Lack Of Access to Labor, Lack Of Support, Unemployment, Poor Health Care & Miscommunication amongst many other things not mentioned. The Lack of Finances which contributes to the Lack Of Resources which Contributes to the Lack Of Labor has hindered our Growth & Development for far too long. The Era Of Crowdfunding Has Come to Change that. We must take the INITIATIVE, the CHARGE, the LEAD and become Manifestors of Our Own Destiny. Gone forever are the days of the "Non For Profit" approaches towards our Salvation & Redemption. As we can clearly see that hasnt worked in our favor. The charitable approach hasn't yielded the results needed in our mission as well. They have us fighting for crumbs & handouts while they misappropiate budgets for trivial expenses & mundane causes. According to the Supreme Court, AIDS,CANCER & Other plagues have been cured since the 80's so the whole Charity,March is highly questionable.
The F.A.C.T,S Initiative is specifically designed to incorporate the POWER of the PEOPLE so we can see once & for all where the Solutions have always been.
Amongst the Collective, Amongst the Family, Amongst the Network, Amongst the Community. The Government and All Other Wellfare Agencies do NOT Control our Fate Nor our Destiny when it comes to developing a System of Survival And Sustainability for our families, loved ones, Children & Unborn. The Concept of Crowdfunding is revolutionary at its core. It takes the middle man out of the equation and restores the POWER in the hands of "We The People" thus cutting the red tape that restricts & withold funds/resources from Projects/Initiatives in our Communities, The Key component to the F.A.C.T.S INITITATIVE is its Crowdfunding/SuSu/MLM Approach  The Formula is very simple & effective
30.000 x 20=600.000
 that breakdowns to 30,000 members
@$20 weekly=$600,000 weekly
@$50 weekly=$1.5 Million weekly
@$100 weekly-$3 Million weekly
4 Week Cycle for each Level
We Now Control the Resources/Funding available as a Network to enhance production, increase inventory, purchase land/real estate, offer jobs, open payrolls, complete projects, open brick & mortar, Launch Click & Orders, fund film projects, overseas production in factories, and the list goes on..
The Lawyers and Legal Representatives, The Accountants/CPAs, Board of Directors Will ALL be Certified, Qualified & Trusted
We Must be as Transparent to our MemberShip as Possible, We Must be Clear as Possible as to what our mission is, how the program works, what are the benefits, Short & Long Term Goals, We Will Meet at least Once a Quarter Collectively. 
This Is Nation Building & Legacy Building at its core. 
This is Fortune Building at its Core. We need a Firm Foundation to Stand On. We need Options. We need Budgets, We Need Resources, We Need Each Others Skills & Trades & Talents to Prosper as a Network, then a Community, Then A Nation. Ideologies, Religious Views & Political Party Affiliations have Nothing Whatsoever to do with the Initiative and its purpose thereof. We are NON Denomination, Non Discriminating to our Members in F.A.C.T.S INITIATIVE The Only Requirement for Membership is the Upliftment of Fallen Humanity & The Advancement of the Original family, Our Network is Comprised of Members of Multiple Schools of Thought/Knowledge that Identify themselves collectively as the "Conscious Community" however we are not restricted to only those members. We also have a large number of members who are working class citizens who dont affiliate nor subscribe to the organizations/groups in the Community. We Wont promote nor encourage nor will we facilitate any Debates, Trolling, Slander, Arguing, Beefing and/or any other behavior seen as Divisiveness or Confrontational. You will be suspended then removed from the Network if you indulge in such behaviors againgst the Goodwill of your members, Any issues or Discrepancies amongst members will be addressed to the Council Of Elders who will officiate all affairs of the Network. There will also be a 24hr Online/888 Assistance for FAQ's and Anyone in need. 

The Organizations that exist today have not taken full advantage of their membership by implementation of Economic Solutions to their states of Poverty both individually & collectively. The new economy that emerged in the Obama Era,Post 2008 Stock Market Crash & Post Depression is the Cooperative Economy, Share Economy, Peer to Peer Economy & Freeconomy. All of these Economies have been integrated into Web 2.0 & Social Media to Market & Promote,Sell,Buy,Share,Engage,Communicate,Host & Socialize with their target audience, their demographics, their niche market & their competition. As a result og these factors as well as others not mentioned we are now in a time unlike any other time we've existed before as a Collective. We are Theoritically in the Future. A New Era or New Age promised by Gurus, Visionaries & Futurists. The World is connected via Nodes and Networks spread thruout every corner of the World. We now have the ability to Communicate Globally in Real time with Thousands if not Millions of people. Direct to Market. The Possibilities Therefore are Endless.





  • Joseph Harris
    • $50 
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Phil T Moreland
Phil Moreland

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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