The Penguin Peloton - Tower to Tower - May 2024
The Penguin Peloton will cycle approximately 250 miles from Guys Hospital Tower, London to Blackpool Tower, Lancashire, from May 3rd to 5th 2024, to raise £50 000 for the registered charity Penguins Against Cancer (PAC).
PAC exists to: Raise Cancer Awareness and make financial grants to support Cancer Research, Cancer Treatment and Hospices. PAC provides funding for the Fergus Scholefield Cancer Research Fund set up in honour of a brave young boy who sadly died before his third birthday, for the Chris Howell Urological Cancer Research Fund, and for the Ruth Prosser Women's Cancer Research Fund. PAC has no administrative or running costs, all expenses being met by individual PAC Members. All money PAC receives goes directly to support the fight against cancer. We need your support so please give generously (accounts of previous fundraising initiatives are at https://www.penguinsagainstcancer.org.uk/ under Events)
Guys to Blackpool will see numerous young, strong, enthusiastic students and junior doctors, participating including: Tom Downie, Rowan White, Paul Oregi, Harry Costello, Jessie Morgan, Kat Lister, Cloe Ragot, , Dylan Chase, Nat Antrobus, Rory Duncan, Ash Dasari, Matt Leigh-Pollitt, Hannah Busby, Harry Donkin, Heather Tong, Theo Roberts, Kat Beck, Georgia Valentine.
They will be accompanied by older, slowly declining Penguins with a combined age in excess of 1000 years (Charlie Beardmore, Ben Challacombe, Pete Davis, Pat Davis, Trevor Kelly, Lutz Hostert, Graham Bevan, George Tsolakides, Guy McLellan, Matt Rose, Nick Gibbins, Rob Lancashire, Paddy McVeigh, Alan Mistlin, Jez Worth, John Costello, Darren Jones, Julian Valentine, Jamie Barwell, Wayne Llewellyn, Greg Ryan, Ian Lewis, Mark Lowey).
All will cycle approximately 250 miles and will be supported by the outstanding Black Rat safety team of Sasha and Tony Smith, and Jeremy Humphries, plus White Rat Paul Gillam, who will film the event. The cyclists are paying to take part, and the support crew are providing their services for free.
Information on PAC, Registered Charity no 1159905, is available at: www.penguinsagainstcancer.org.uk
Fundraising team (7)
George Tsolakides
Penguins Against Cancer
Ben Challacombe
Team member
Charlotte and Charlie Beardmore
Team member
Ian Lewis
Team member
Jessica Morgan
Team member