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Team Shannon:Surround Her With Love

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Shannon Robbie (Balthrop)’s positive spirit has touched many lives.  She has touched your life.  She has bravely and courageously marched along a daily path unimaginable to most – but the difference is she never complains or blames.  This week she is undergoing extensive intestinal surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN.  The best in the world medical professionals have quickly jumped on Team Shannon.  This week and many weeks ahead is the time you can return to her and Chad your positive thoughts, well-wishes and financial support to lift them during this very delicate period of their lives. 

Shannon is a wife, daughter, sister, grand-daughter, niece (My Heart!), cousin, co-worker, and friend to each of you!  Yet you may not realize that she is also an Advocate. Through this past year, she has encouraged and challenged everyone in her path.  Medical professionals, other patients, family and friends have been stopped in their busy life footsteps when she smiled through pain, questioned the need for the multiple medications, and diligently researched her best healthcare options. Her grueling, yet necessary, journey has led her to Mayo to address an autoimmune disease that is attacking much of her body. 

I know you will help support Team Shannon!!  She reluctantly allowed us to initiate this GoFundMe page since she is always thinking of other’s ailments above her own and hesitant to share about herself.  But now Team Shannon, it is time for Shannon!  We are launching this page today, August 13th, to request a flooding of responses to Shannon and her family with positive thoughts, encouraging words, prayers to our healing God, and/or fun memories to lift and ‘Surround’ her this week and into the recovering weeks ahead.

Funds raised will be used to offset travel expenses, medical expenses, special care services for Shannon and all other costs that keep coming even during life-interruptions.    

Thank you for taking a moment to reflect on Sweet Shannon and how she and Chad have encouraged you to live life positively and bravely.  Positive messages and memories from you will carry incredible Power during this week and beyond into recovery.


  • Janet Wells
    • $350 
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Laurie Heath
Fort Collins, CO
Chad Robbie

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt