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This Go Fund me page has been set up in the hope to raise some funds to support Amy and her family (Angela,Ross and big sister Melissa) through these hard times.

Amy Rose Elizabeth Lornie is a beautiful 5 year old girl, who loves Musicals, Dancing, singing and her family very much. Unfortunately poor Amy hasn’t had it easy this past four weeks.

What started as sickness and vomiting for 3 days to an overnight stay in Aberdeen sick kids hospital. At the start of Amy’s second night she stopped breathing (respiratory arrest) and Amy was quickly resuscitated. Following that Amy was given an MRI scan where doctors discovered a bleed in her brain caused by pressure from a 5cm tumour in her brain stem causing it to be squashed flat. Within hours Amy received emergency surgery to release the pressure and then flown straight down to Edinburgh sick kids hospital.

Amy has since been diagnosed with aggressive Medulloblastoma (brain cancer). The surgery to remove the tumour was 100% successful but unfortunately there are still harmful cancerous cells remaining with a high chance of the tumour returning!

The doctors have said that Amy is currently experiencing locked in syndrome due to the bleed on her brain and how long brain stem was squashed for, causing irreparable brain damage. Amy’s family are all hoping on miracle so their sleeping beauty can wake up to start chemo/radiotherapy.

Due to the fact that Amy’s family are all in Aberdeen and Amy, mum and step dad are currently in Edinburgh, we are setting up this page to help fund travel expenses coming to and from Aberdeen/Edinburgh so Melissa, nana and grandad can visit and to help ease the financial stress of juggling two life’s at the moment.

Angela, Ross, Melissa, Nana and Grandad would like to thank everyone for their support and kind words during this hard time and how much it is greatly appreciated.



  • Lynne Connell
    • £20 
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: Team Amy (3)

Toni Gardiner
Angela Bain
Ross Lowe
Team member

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