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Emily Grace Making Cancer Fun Book

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**WOW! We have had over 1,600 visits to this page! If each person only donated $10 that would be MORE than enough!** WILL YOU JOIN OUR COMMUNITY WHO BELIEVE IN MAKING CANCER FUN FOR KIDS?

“If you have struggled through something, and survived, you should then help those who are still struggling.”   ~ Brendon Burchard.

Thanks for finding my page. Even if you can’t make a large donation EVERY donation helps the goal of getting this book into hands of parents who need it.

It also shows prospective hospitals that YES there is a need/want/demand for this information.

So the NUMBER OF PEOPLE DONATING is just as important as the total money raised.  Your donation shows you believe that this work is important!

The background ~ In 2008 my only child was diagnosed with High-Risk Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. The dreaded C word. Cancer.

"You make cancer more fun then anyone I've ever met!" Yup that's what the radiation tech at a major children’s hospital told me after CAT scanning my 3 year old daughter for the umtenith time.

Over the last few years everyone who has heard our story has said "You need to write a book!"   Encouraging me to help other parents who have medically ill children.  When my daughter Emily was diagnosed with cancer the only book I found in the hospital library was Lance Armstrong's. I read it cover to cover in the first couple of weeks - looking for HOPE.

My book is the printed story of my decision to fight my daughter's cancer with Fun.  It worked.  6 rounds of chemo, a bone marrow transplant, radiation, and months of experimental treatments she is a happy 10 year old cancer survivor.  

Over the years people watched us fight cancer with fun. They followed our facebook group “Fighting Jersey Style” a friend made for us (I was a Jersey girl living in Colorado with my cancer kid).

They watched me, a single mom, find everything I could to be grateful about (even if it was just grateful the day was over and tomorrow was a new day).

The response was overwhelming - 6,000 views on stories I would share on a little blog a friend put up for me.  1,000 people sharing her facebook page with weekly posts and updates. And this was in 2008 before social media really hit hard.

Now I have an opportunity to share what I did with other families and medical professionals.  To share our ups, downs, laughter and tears. To give parents hope (yes there is life after cancer) and tools (how to make medical fun!) and to remind everyone (yes non cancer moms and dads) to be grateful every day and hug your kids a little tighter tonight.

Why is this book important?  There’s nothing like it out there. Really. I went to a major national book store chain. I looked. I googled. I came up empty.

I asked a friend who works at the local children’s hospital what she thought about sharing my ideas in a book. I said “Who would even want to read that?”

She looked at me and said, “When your daughter was diagnosed if someone told you there was a book on how to make her cancer fun would you have read it?”

 “Of course!” I said. 

“Well there you go,” she responded.

 I have met with and spoken to countless of writers, editors and publishers over this last year.  Now that the book is written hiring an editor and choosing a small press printing company is the best route (based on my hours of research!) for this project. I already have a few editor proposals and a small press printing company that is interested in publishing this project.

**100% of the $ raised is going directly to pay the editor & small press publishing company - anything left over will go directly towards marketing costs**

As a single parent rebuilding my life after divorce and childhood cancer, the total $10,000 needed is daunting.  That’s when it was suggested I create a Go Fund Me Page.  Any additional money raised will go towards promotion and distribution.

To be clear, I never wanted to write a book.  I wanted my child to live. She did. Now it's my turn to give back to families with medically ill children. Creating this book and sharing these tools has been a “God” pull on my heart these last 3 years. I strongly feel this has become a calling on my life and while I wouldn’t choose my child’s cancer as a calling if I can help one family I feel obligated to do so.

The Stats (and why this book is so important)   

"Childhood Cancer remains the leading cause of death by disease among children in the United States - responsible for more deaths than all other diseases combined” ~

Childhood Cancer It is the second leading cause of death in children ages one through 14 after accidents ~

"Every day 43 children are diagnosed with cancer and the average age of diagnosis is six" ~

40,000 children undergo treatment for cancer every year. 

1 out of 8 children will not survive cancer. That means 7 out of 8 do. What will be their emotional long term effects from their cancer experience?  In the mid-1970’s the 5 year survival rate was about 50%. Now it is more than 80%.  Yet has the medical industry addressed the emotional toll cancer takes on both the child and their parents? With more children surviving the long term emotional effects must be considered.

 Need more info before supporting this project?

You can join our Facebook group and see the history of our journey (as well as all the pictures and videos of how we made cancer fun)

Or you can follow/contact me at:

Thank you for supporting my mission to inspire others to live in gratitude and to support other parents in regaining control in an un-controlable situation ~ harnessing the power of gratitude and laughter.


  • Patricia Bond
    • $50 
    • 5 yrs


Tara Geraghty
Oakland, NJ

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