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Help support Trump Delegate Lacey Mcgreevy go to the RNC

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Hi! My name is Lacey McGreevy. On April 2nd I was a elected to be a Trump Delegate to go to the Republican National Convention representing Rhode Island's Congressional district 2. I was shocked when I realized not only did I have enough votes to be a delegate but I actually got the most votes in CD 2! It's such an honor to have gotten so many votes and to have the opportunity to be part of RI GOP's group going to the convention.

At the Republican National Convention is where the delegates vote to make former President Trump our party's official candidate for President. What a lot of people don't realize is every delegate pays their own way to be there.

I've been a supporter of President Trump since April of 2015. At the time of was the Vice chair of Rhode Island Young Republicans, I had a unique opportunity to go with a group of Rhode Islanders to New Hampshire to listen to every single Republican that was to run for President in 2016, even though most had not announced they were all there. After listening to them all and meeting a lot of them, I knew Trump was our only choice. All of them including Trump were very nice, charismatic, smart, and accomplished. What set Trump apart is he had the best ideas, he spoke about things that people talk about daily but politicians didn't ever (until him), and most importantly you could tell he genuinely cares about our country and the people in it.

Photo is from when I met former President Trump in NH in 2015

There's many reasons why I know Trump will make a great President but let me tell you about 3 reasons he should be President and how they will effect me.

President Trump is who we need for our children's education.

A little bit about myself. I am a mom who homeschools her son. I think education is an important part of the equation to turn children into successful and happy adults. I think school choice is so important so parents can make the best choice for their children. School choice allows families who may not be able to afford to send their children to private school or to homeschool. I am a single mom who doesn't have a lot of money because I'm homeschooling my 6 year old that our local schools can not adequately accommodate. My state does not have school choice so I'm able to homeschool my son with the help of my family, however school choice would make it less of financial burden on us. School choice would also make it for people that may not have family to help them be able to choose their child's education path. We need President Trump to be President again so he can fix our horrible education system and make it so every parent in every state has school choice.

President Trump is who we need to fix our economy.

The economy is absolutely horrible, taxes and the dramatic rising costs of everything. It effects everyone especially people with limited money. I notice when food goes up, I notice my son's juice boxes jumped up a $1. When the gas is up high I'm wondering if I can drive my son to a class or play date he wants to go to. I notice when I put off buying something for my son's curriculum because I have to buy something else for him and then I look the next month it's gone up $60 and now that's out of budget. What people don't get when the economy is bad it's not the super rich who it effects, they don't even notice. It's the poor, working class, and middle class it effects the most. We need former President Trump to be President again so he can fix our declining economy.

President Trump is who we need to make our country safe.

We have had influx of illegal aliens coming into our country since Biden took over and our government has been using our tax dollars to house and feed them! Nevermind that this money could be used for a plethora of things for actual Americans or even lower taxes so people can keep more of their hard earned money and use it towards what they see fit.
As a female and as a mother I'm afraid. I'm afraid of these unvetted illegals, I'm afraid of the drugs they may be bringing in, I'm afraid they may be terrorists, I'm afraid they may be criminals. I'm afraid for my safety and for my son's safety because we have unvetted people coming across our borders. Most people I know don't leave their door unlocked anymore, why are we leaving our country unlocked? We need former President Trump to be our President again to make our country safe again.

So here's why I'm making a gofund me. As I said I'm a single mom who homeschools her son. Going to the Republican National Convention it's expensive. I'm hoping some people that have a little extra to spare and can help me afford to go. Here's the breakdown of costs.

$2100 for hotel
Hotel is going to be over 2100. We have to be there for a week, we have to stay in a certain hotel and of course Milwaukee upped its prices. I'm not sure if that includes fees and taxes they said it's 325 a night.

$300 for airfare
Airfare is going to be about 300 roundtrip.

$750 delegate fee (delegate fee has been lowered to 550)

So I'm hoping to raise some money to help me be able to afford to go. I'm not asking for the full amount needed to go but I'm hoping to raise 2500.

Thanks so much! ❤️

Here's some photos of me supporting Trump and homeschooling my son. Go fund me said to add pictures.

If you want to know more about my homeschooling journey with my son I have a Facebook page. He would be in K if he was in public school but he's testing much higher thanks to being homeschooled.

Delegates for my state are chosen during the Presidential Preference Primary. You can see how I placed here. (Scroll to District 2)

Here's a photo he came to Rhode Island in 2015. I was so excited and honored to be able to meet him for a second time.

#rhodeisland #trump #rnc #delegate #gop #republican #republicannationalconvention #rnc2024 #Trump2024 #MAGA #homeschoolmom
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Lacey Mcgreevy
Peacedale, RI

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