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Support Kevin Adams

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Kevin was diagnosed with Stage 3 Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma in late June 2017.  Although Kevin has health insurance, out of pocket expenses range from medical expenses not covered by insurance as well as loss of income and travel expenses needed for treatment. The funds raised will help to mitigate those expenses.

This all started with some Upper G I issues, which were not unusual for him, so for a couple months he (once again) adjusted his diet, more fruit/veggies even started eating gluten free but there was still plenty of nausea, lack of appetite (crazy!) and constant pain/pressure in his stomach and diaphragm area.

The pressure would get worse on the diaphragm area when he would lay down, so of course, he was not sleeping good at night and needing more sleep after work, which some days turned into a 2.5, 3 or more hour nap! Doc said heartburn and prescribed antacids, twas not heartburn!

On Monday, June 12 he woke with swollen lymph node on left side of neck just under jaw. After work went to Doc, test for Strep Throat was negative, blood work looked good, prescribed antibiotic. Through the week left side of neck was getting more swollen and sore, very tender to touch. 

His personal Doc squeezed him in on Friday June 16. His Doc and he agreed, stomach and neck issues are probably not related. She ordered a CT Scan for abdominal area on June 19 and Ultrasound of neck couldn’t be done until June 23.

He, Cindy, and Justin made it to the Rendezvous in Prairie du Chien on Saturday, which, with only missing only a handful, some of us, have been going to for 30+ years! He didn’t feel the best, didn’t even have a bison burger, a favorite treat every time they are there! Got home late afternoon Sat. relaxed, a little light yard work, watched t v into the evening, nothing crazy. Was asleep before 9, (not unusual!) minus two bathroom breaks, slept until 1:15 pm when his mom got here on Father’s Day. Yes, that’s 16+ hours and still feeling crappy. 

Monday June 19 contact his Doc to see if they can get the Ultrasound appt. sooner, the entire left side of his neck was very swollen and sore. Thank goodness he was able to get it done ahead of his C T Scan. Was home only about an hour and got the call, results were in and it looked like a lymphoma.

He had a previously scheduled appt. with the E N T Doc Tuesday morning June 20, so he would do a biopsy of the lymph node then. And…patiently…wait…for…the…pathology…report..! Doc ordered P E T Scan for June 28, knowing this would be needed.

We had all results in and a diagnosis on Friday June 30, schedule appt. with Oncology July 3.

The appointment with the Oncologist was educational and reassuring. He's had a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration. Had a Power Port installed.

He started chemo Friday July 7, still got some traveling to do, but “Moving Forward!”  He will have 6 rounds of chemo and the possiblity of a bone marrow transplant in the near future.


  • Shawna Dojan
    • $25 
    • 6 yrs


Cindy Adams
Dubuque, IA

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