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Steve "Cookie" Cook Recovery Fund

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On September 12, 2017, after working a 24-hour firehouse shift during Hurricane Irma in Georgia, my father, Steve Cook, age 51, a 29-year veteran in fire service, suffered a serious stroke (occlusive), which was caused by multiple acute blood clots in his brain stem. During the early stages of the stroke, Dad was transported by ambulance to Northside Hospital Cherokee for immediate treatment, and then he was transferred to Northside Hospital Atlanta on September 13, where Dad has been under the neurology department's excellent care. However, Dad still must undergo extensive treatment in order to recover to his fullest potential since the damage caused as the result of major clotting occurred in the basilar artery/basilar tip and bilateral T1 segments of Dad's brain – in other words, a SERIOUS stroke, which caused irreversible damage to multiple areas of his brain. We are so blessed that Dad is still alive. We believe we have been blessed with a miracle!

Dad's current treatment for the remaining blood clots in his brain stem includes treatment with major blood thinners. Dad still struggles to open his eyes completely. Typically his right eye opens about halfway, his left eye slightly less. He displays combative behavior on a daily basis, caused by a combination of the swelling on his brain and the medications he is presently prescribed. Dad is still unable to walk, must relearn how to do typical adult bodily functions, including personal care, writing, engaging in conversation, etc.

Dad's rehabilitation will consist of his participation in the Young Stroke Program at The Shepherd Center in Atlanta. In that program Dad will learn how to start his life over, how to tackle new daily challenges. Dad will participate for many months in a rehab program for four to six hours each day, consisting of occupational, physical, speech, and recreational therapy. Through the combination of these four therapies, we are very much encouraged and extremely hopeful that Dad will make the absolute best recovery possible. We firmly believe that The Shepherd Center will move us all toward the reality of Dad's best rehabilitation.

Thankfully, Dad's medical insurance is expected to cover a majority of the general costs of his rehabilitation program at The Shepherd Center. However, there are many expenses involved in the treatment at The Shepherd Center that our family never anticipated and that we are unable to handle on our own. For instance, we must modify our home before his discharge to install proper showers, beds, medical equipment, ingress/egress ramps, modification of the kitchen and bathroom so Dad can care for
himself at the appropriate time. An in-home nurse will be required for an as-yet unspecified period of time. Family members have already made arrangements to take leaves of absence from their employment to assist in Dad's in-home care because he will require around-the-clock supervision once discharged from The Shepherd Center.

We respectfully seek your donations to offset these medical expenses for Dad's care. Every cent of each donation will be applied to Dad's medical expenses and related out-of-pocket costs that Dad's insurance will not cover. We covet your prayers too.

Dad is one who would NEVER ask for any help for himself. He is dealing with the reality that this unplanned medical event is a life-altering one, not only medically but in every aspect of his life. As we seek your assistance, we seek God's grace and healing in this situation too, and we believe that God will direct our every need. So we thank each of you who can donate, we appreciate every prayer for Dad's healing and recovery, and we hope you are able to see Dad's recovery as he takes this incredible journey at The Shepherd Center.



  • Jan Schmiauke
    • $50 
    • 6 yrs


Bradley Cook
Ball Ground, GA

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