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All Static & Noise Documentary Film

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English translation follows Uyghur script

Help us bring global pressure on China to release over 1 million Uyghurs and other Turkic ethnic minorities from camps and restore basic human and legal rights throughout China. 

Why a Film?
We believe that a good story has the power to step inside someone’s heart and demand attention and action.  Add the visual impact of cinema and the emotionally charged quality of music and you have a captive audience.  Static & Noise promises to raise global awareness about the Chinese government’s abusive treatment of Turkic Muslims as well as its ongoing aggression against rights defenders in a manner that will puncture the chaotic media landscape with a story that can no longer be ignored. 

Static & Noise
is a documentary film that has been in production since September 2017.  A team of cameras in China, Hong Kong, the United States, France, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Turkey have been quietly capturing stories from those at the center of the struggle for freedom in China. The fight for democracy in Tiananmen Square, the persecution of human rights lawyers, and the detainment of over one million ethnic minorities in the Uyghur Autonomous Region all feature prominently in dramatic displays of injustice and resilience against the Chinese authoritarian state.  

Thus far, our work has been self-funded with additional support from friends, family, and two generous anonymous donors.  We now look for support to complete filming and production for the Uyghur and Kazakh component of our story.  We are following several camp survivors in Turkey and Kazakhstan as well as a family member of a prominent Uyghur scholar.   We need funds to complete these interviews, conduct a performance with a group of Uyghur women, and process the footage that follows.

What we Need?
Making a good film costs money to produce.  Early on, we made the choice to engage an award-winning film company in production so that we could deliver the highest quality.  This high production quality will enable the film to reach the widest audience possible in festivals and theaters around the world.  Once released, Static & Noise will serve as a valuable advocacy tool for rights defenders, family, and friends of those being held in Chinese prisons and concentration camps.  During the past two years of filming, the crew has borne witness to the abuse and torture suffered by innocent people in concentration camps, prisons, and living under duress at the hands of the Chinese government. These interviews were conducted under highly stressful circumstances and at great risk to both the interviewer and interviewee.  Despite the subject’s concerns about safety and fears of retaliation for speaking out, the resounding message from our interviewees has been a desperate plea to get these stories out to the world.   For those being held in concentration camps, in prisons, or under duress with no ability to speak out, this film carries their message and offers the hope that the international community will respond and take action.   Please help us to get their message out to the world. 

Funds raised in this fundraiser will go to:

·      Travel costs to conduct interviews in France, Germany, Turkey, and the U.S.
·      Equipment rental (camera, lighting and sound) for interviews
·      Cinematographer fees
·      Interpretation services
·      Production services in locations
·      Room rental for performance
·      Transcription and translation of footage shot
·      Editor’s fees
·      Music rights

To learn more about the film or to explore other ways to support us, please contact our team at [E-Mail ausgeblendet].  We welcome anyone willing to donate translation time in Mandarin, Cantonese, Uyghur, Turkish, Kazakh, Arabic, French, German, Spanish, or Italian.  If you prefer PayPal send to:  [E-Mail ausgeblendet]


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  • Fariha Nuzhat
    • $5 
    • 2 mos
  • rama keita
    • $25 
    • 2 mos
  • Suad Al-Gumary
    • $10 
    • 3 mos
  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Anonym
    • $30 
    • 1 yr


Static Noise
Seattle, WA

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