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Showing Up for the Showmans!

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Life can change in an instant.

Just days after Steve left for deployment, a routine ultrasound showed an unusual cyst on one of the babies brains. Maggie was referred to a maternal specialist and then referred to the fetal care specialists at Children's Hospital Colorado. 

This past Friday, April 19th Maggie learned that one of her twin girls are suffered an intrauterine stroke. She bravely shared this news with many of us on facebook, writing:

"I know we’ve had so many friends thinking of and praying for these babies of ours so we wanted to share some totally shocking and difficult news that we learned last week. One of our baby girls has suffered a stroke (in utero) suddenly at some point over the last few weeks and has what looks like some significant bilateral brain damage as a result. The doctors do not know what caused this and said they probably never will. We are still trying to process this news and we can’t be certain what life will look like once she’s born but expect some physical, visual, and cognitive challenges ahead for her (likely a form of cerebral palsy). At this point, we are still trying to keep both babies in place for as long as still possible. We want to wrap her in all of the love and prayers she can get so chose to share the news here. We also appreciate all the prayers we can get as we try to get Steve home from his deployment."

On Tuesday, April 23rd Maggie unexpectedly went into labor during a doctor's appointment. She was rushed by ambulance to Children's Hospital Colorado where she delivered two beautiful girls - Grace & Evelyn. 

Both of the girls are stable and doing well. Neurologists have done a very thorough ultrasound and MRI on baby Grace's brain and results revealed the same news that were given to the Showmans on Friday. Both girls are looking at a NICU stay of at least a few weeks. 

Thankfully, Steve is on his way back from deployment in order to make medical decisions and be with Maggie as they navigate this road together. 

However, Grace will be fighting an uphill battle in regards to her health and will likely need significant costly medical care and equipment in the coming weeks and in the future. 

Please consider financially donating to the Showman Family today - Maggie & Steve have hearts of gold and have helped so many of us out themselves. 

The unknown is frightening and we want to wrap this family in love, support, and prayers. 

Let's SHOW UP for the Showmans!!


  • Jacquelyn McCall
    • $50 
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: Ashley, Nicki, & Erin (2)

Ashley Leister
Centennial, CO
Steve S
Nicki Chappell
Team member

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