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A Nonprofit To END Suicide, Addiction & Depression

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THE NUTSHELL (Full Story  +  FAQs  +  More Below)

We are S.A.D. NO MORE, a Nonprofit Startup on a mission to END Suicide, Addiction & Depression... one empowered soul at a time. Unlike all the bandaid "solutions" out there that don't address the CORE of the problem and therefore aren't making a real dent in the horrifying statistics that keep rising across the board of this hellish trifecta, we are here to do the dirty work that no one else is touching. 

Through our flagship program, The Self-Connection Initiative™, we are bringing unprecedented awareness, training and support that will empower people who struggle with Suicide, Addiction & Depression to hold themselves up constructively amidst the inevitable challenges of real life, instead of collapsing into the downward spiral of these fatal rabbit holes. Best of all? We are doing all of this for FREE, so that those who need it the most can get the ultimate help without a single worry about whether they can afford it or not. And that's where YOU come in my dear!

In order to fund the development and mobilization of S.A.D. NO MORE, both online and offline, we are relying on your generous donations! Please help us heal the world and create a place in which you and your loved ones will be safe from the threat of suicide, addiction and depression for real and for good. DONATE NOW & HELP US SAVE LIVES BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Together, we will make ALL the differenceThank you!

Haleh, Artist | Healer | Coach | Founder of S.A.D. NO MORE

"Let your hand feel for the afflictions of others, and let your hand give in proportion to your purse." - George Washington

** Please subscribe to our mailing list at SadNoMore.org for important messages and updates **


We are S.A.D. NO MORE, a Nonprofit Startup here to END Suicide, Addiction & Depression the only way possible... one empowered soul at a time. 

Suicide, Addiction & Depression are ruining lives, hurting families and breaking homes all over the world. No secret there. And yet somehow, they are still taboo to talk about. We are not keeping the conversation HUMAN because we are too uncomfortable to open up that vulnerable dialogue in the first place, and if we ever did open it up, we wouldn't know where to go with it! So the greater conversation virtually never "travels the distance" towards clarifying the only REAL problem, let alone the only real solution. Meanwhile people are suffering and dying every second of the day. The silence stops NOW.

To make matters worse, when we do talk about it at all, it's from an extremely disconnected, disempowered or clinical perspective, NONE of which are of any ultimate service towards the healing that needs to take place on a HUMAN level for any greater and lasting change. Indeed there are countless weak, bogus and clinical "solutions" out there around these most pressing issues... none of which address, reach, heal or empower a person at the CORE of their humanity for the ride of life. THAT is why the numbers keep rising on all 3 fronts, destroying and claiming the lives of people spanning all backgrounds and ages... numbers that are disturbingly expanding to include younger and younger kids.


As an artist myself, I am no stranger to these dark places... I used to struggle viciously with all of these. But through my own empowerment by the grace of a spiritual awakening in my late teens that catalyzed the ultimate journey of healing and growth for me, I have become invulnerable to the threat of falling into ANY of these black holes, and I have been for over 15 years. I am so connected to my Core of SELF and therefore my Core Power that I have built an entire business around coaching and training others unto the exclusive material I have developed through my life's work as an Artist and a Healer. In fact, I have pioneered a perfect system for connecting someone to their Core Of Self (and therefore their Core Power) in just 8 weeks, after a LIFETIME of disconnection, disempowerment and destruction. That's no small statement! Alas, I only work with a very small handful of private coaching clients at a time, and it is very expensive.  With this epidemic getting more and more out of control, I knew I needed to add an angle to my place of service in the world that would allow me to share my singular gifts with everyone who is in trouble. S.A.D. No More is the result of that calling.

Over the years I have seen my peers, loved ones and beloved artists from all realms battle suicide, addiction and depression. Some lost that battle. Most are still struggling behind closed doors, if not openly. This nonprofit creates a bridge for me to help people all over who struggle with suicide, addiction and depression, the most extreme SYMPTOMS of Self-disconnection, before it's too late. This is literally as close to my heart as it gets.

As a die-hard artist, no one recognizes the priceless role of the arts more than I do. The arts are absolutely critical to inspiring, healing and awakening the soul of humanity. Hell, it was through my devotion to artistic mastery as a singer, actress and writer that I dove into the SELF so deeply to uncover what I have found in the first place!

Alas, all that being said, I can honestly state that the arts fall short when it comes to actually EQUIPPING a person for the ride of their true success, happiness and wellness amidst the constant challenges of life. For that, only the most heavy-hitting and dirty Core work can make a real difference. SO- we will be leveraging the arts in highly impactful ways to create greater accessibility within our training and support... we just won't be limited to the arts. This "marriage" of the two realms will position us to reach, heal, connect and empower people like never before, and it is exciting beyond words!!

With all my soul I know that S.A.D. No More was divinely fated to be one of my "babies" and that with my unique expertise on the Self, no one could hold down the fort here like I could... and so when the Universe gave me the vision for S.A.D. No More, I embraced her as a part of my family of projects and I can promise you one thing... I will never look back. I'm here to stay, and I am fully committed to making revolutionary strides around suicide, addiction and depression with your help.


There is much work to be done, and most people are off barking up the wrong trees altogether when it comes to healing this HUMAN CRISIS. I started this nonprofit to spread the only REAL message around suicide, addiction and depression that matters, the only REAL message that will do any good... the REAL message that we are paying dearly for with our lives by not being aware of it. Like it or not:

1. Empowered people don't kill themselves.

2. Empowered people aren't addicted to anything.

3. Empowered people don't have "depression".

For the sake of everyone you LOVE and everything you hold precious in this world, we MUST address the CORE of these problems NOW, and the CORE of these problems is very bluntly this.... people who struggle with suicide, addiction or depression are lacking the strength of SELF to hold their weight up constructively amidst the real challenges of real life that are a part of the deal for ALL of us.

Until a person is taught how to hold their weight constructively through the challenges, it will only be a matter of time before they are not safe.... from THEMSELVES! This "matter of time" is usually way sooner than later. And all other "solutions" will fail them in the long run because they don't address the Core problem! They are temporary crutches at best.

I will say what needs to be said. I will support people in addressing and healing the parts of their SELF that are too weak to stand up victoriously through all the adversities of life. I will STAND for those who cannot yet stand for themselves. But the one thing I CANNOT and WILL NOT do, is sit back and turn a blind eye only to cry in disbelief when the next person is gone... and the next person... and the next person... and the next person. How many more people need to die? NONE. The answer is none.


By now I'm sure you can feel the SIZE of this mission, and it should come as no surprise that mobilizing this effort is going to take an equally large financial investment. We need money for every aspect of any normal business: operational costs, legal and accounting fees, hiring and training the right teams, fundraising, advertising and marketing, promotional materials, PR, research, administrative tasks, live events, outreach and support, online/website development, and most importantly, the development of our unprecedented flagship operation, The Self-Connection Initiative™ that will do all the heavy lifting for those who need help. 

Our initial goal is $100,000 because that is the bare minimum that will allow us to mobilize this in any substantial way. After we hit that goal we will put the pedal to the metal on bringing this work to the world, online for everyone in the world who needs help for FREE, and offline with a strong live outreach focus on the youth and Artist communities.

To say I strongly believe this affects EVERY single person is an understatement. I KNOW IT DOES. Whether we admit it or not, whether directly in our own lives or indirectly through those we know and love... this hellish trifecta of Suicide, Addiction and Depression are at the most epidemic proportions ever in history, all because people are too disconnected from THEIR OWN SELF to live an empowered life whose quality is not determined by the inevitable challenges of the ride.

I was meant to lead this project, and I'm ready to save lives, but I can't do it alone. I hope and pray that you genuinely hear what I'm saying and feel a heartfelt personal responsibility in supporting our work as generously as you possibly can. We are counting on YOU, and so are all the people struggling to get through the day without wanting to die, attempting to kill themselves, medicating themselves with whatever substance they abuse to escape, and falling into the dark abyss of emptiness, meaninglessness and hopelessness that is "depression".


Here is how you can support this project:


Give as generously as you can, every dollar counts! 


This is where we REALLY make our biggest impact by coming together! Share our link with everyone you know- via social media, email, snail mail, text, phone, telegram, walkie talkie or any other form of communication you can think of! Shout our mission from the mountaintops! We've made it so easy for you- it's simply: GoFundMe.com/SADNOMORE


Please subscribe to our mailing list at SadNoMore.org  to stay connected with us for updates on our progress, golden nuggets around our work, stories that matter around these issues and correspondences from the real people you're helping✨

That's it!

And remember, we are all HUMAN, and we are all more connected in our Core Humanity than most of us will ever realize. We have ONE world, and we are ALL subject to its state of affairs. Pay it forward and help us save lives... the lives of people you love and the lives of people you will never meet. THE ANGEL BEHIND THE SCENES THAT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE.... is YOU. ❤️

Thank you for reading and for your support in funding this most beautiful and critical project!




Is my donation tax-deductible?

YES. We are expecting our official 501c3 approval letter from the IRS by no later than Summer of 2019... it's the government- they take a while. However, ALL donations are retroactive for 27 months from the date of incorporation, so just print out your receipt and take it to your accountant when filing.

Q: Can I make my donation a "recurring monthly donation"?

A: Unfortunately, the GoFundMe platform uses a payment processor that does not currently support automatic recurring donations. However, you are encouraged to visit this campaign and donate as often as you'd like! Please note, we will be setting up a recurring donation option via PayPal as soon as we have the funds to develop our full website.  

Q: Can I dedicate my donation to someone? 

A: YES! Once you click on the donate button, you will have an opportunity to make your donation in their name and write some heartfelt words about why you are supporting this campaign in their honor. Your personalized donation post will be visible in the "comments" section of the campaign.

Q: Can I donate privately if I don't want my name to appear on the campaign?

A: Absolutely, just check the box that says "make my donation private" when you are making your donation and your name will not appear publicly on the campaign.

Q: How can I volunteer for S.A.D. No More?

A: We LOVE hearing from people who share a passion for our mission and want to help us grow this project! Please email us at [E-Mail ausgeblendet] with your full contact details and a short description of why you feel strongly about volunteering with our nonprofit organization. If you are a student, please include the details in your email as well. Our team typically replies within 24-48 hours. We look forward to connecting with you!

Did we miss anything? Let us know! Just click on the little envelope next to the campaign organizer's icon at the top right corner of the page to contact us with any questions and we will be sure to get them up here in our F.A.Q. section promptly.


In dieser Kampagne werden Spenden über eine andere Plattform erwähnt, bitte beachte jedoch, dass nur Spenden über GoFundMe durch die GoFundMe-Spendengarantie geschützt sind.



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S.A.D. No More
New York, NY

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